A Treasury of Literary Classics -
Chinese Fables and Tales Series (2)


    Read the Chinese story and answer the following questions.

Putting Yourself in Someone’s Shoes

Click here to read the text.

1. Yan Ying was a ___________ official of the State of Qi.

A. caring
B. brave
C. self-centred
D. hard-working

Your answer:

Read paragraph 1.

"He (Yan Ying) was smart and cared about the livelihood of people."

2. Read paragraph 2. What do you think about Duke Jing of Qi? He was ___________.

A. caring
B. brave
C. self-centred
D. hard-working

Your answer:

Read paragraph 2.

" 'How wonderful it is! I really hope that it will continue to snow for a few more days. The scenery would be even more beautiful,' exclaimed Duke Jing of Qi loudly. He forgot that poor people might suffer a lot from the severe cold."

3. Duke Jing of Qi thought the weather was like ___________ though it was snowy outside.

A. spring
B. summer
C. autumn
D. winter

Your answer:

Read paragraph 3.

"Duke Jing of Qi said to Yan Ying, 'This year, the weather is very strange. It has been snowing for three days but it is still not cold at all. It is just like springtime!' "

4. Why did Duke Jing of Qi say it was not cold at all?

A. He thought it did not snow heavily.
B. He was strong and always felt hot in winter.
C. He could not tell when it was hot or cold.
D. He was staying indoors and wearing a thick coat.

Your answer:

Read paragraph 3.

"Yan Ying saw Duke Jing of Qi wearing a long thick coat in his comfortable house."

5. Duke Jing of Qi was ___________ when he said "I'm not a three-year-old kid. Do you think I can't tell when it’s hot or cold?"

A. delighted
B. proud
C. puzzled
D. excited

Your answer:

Was Duke Jing of Qi happy to answer Yan Ying's question?
Did he feel proud of being able to tell when it was hot or cold?
Did he know why Yan Ying asked such a question?

6. Read paragraph 4. Which of the following is correct?

A. Duke Jing of Qi thought Yan Ying was not a kind person.
B. Duke Jing of Qi understood why Yan Ying asked him the question.
C. Duke Jing of Qi did not understand Yan Ying’s advice.
D. Duke Jing of Qi cared for the needy people after listening to Yan Ying’s advice.

Your answer:

Read paragraph 4.

"He (Duke Jing of Qi) felt ashamed and immediately gave away food and clothes to those who were hungry and cold."

7. Adverbs are words which describe an action (e.g. She eats quickly.). We usually form an adverb by adding –ly to an adjective (e.g. careful → carefully; beautiful → beautifully), but some adverbs (e.g. early, late, fast) are the same as their adjective counterparts.

Read the following descriptions. Fill in each blank with an adverb from the list given. Each option can be used once only.

A. heavily B. immediately C. loudly D. directly
Description Adverb
7a. After listening to Yan Ying’s advice, Duke Jing of Qi gave away food and clothes _____________ to the people in need.
7b. Yan Ying told Duke Jing of Qi _____________ that he should remember the people in need.
7c. Although it had been snowing _____________ for three days, Duke Jing of Qi still thought it was not cold at all.
7d. Duke Jing of Qi said _____________, "It would be more beautiful if it snows for a few more days!"

Read the sentences carefully to understand their meanings.

8. How did Duke Jing of Qi feel after listening to Yan Ying’s advice? He was ___________.

A. proud
B. guilty
C. happy
D. excited

Your answer:

Read paragraph 4.

"He (Duke Jing of Qi) felt ashamed and immediately gave away food and clothes to those who were hungry and cold."

9. What did Duke Jing of Qi give the needy people at the end?
He gave the needy people __________________.

A. food only
B. clothes and shoes
C. clothes and food
D. shoes only

Your answer:

Read paragraph 4.

"He (Duke Jing of Qi) felt ashamed and immediately gave away food and clothes to those who were hungry and cold."

Putting Yourself in Someone’s Shoes

Score Sheet

Questions Results
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7a
Question 7b
Question 7c
Question 7d
Question 8
Question 9

10. What is the moral lesson of the story? Based on the story, which Chinese saying can you think of?

Extension Activity

Watch the video clip "Heroes One Year On | The Novel Outbreak", which is about how the frontline workers served the people under lockdown in the Hubei province.

Acknowledgements: The China Current


During the COVID-19 pandemic, many volunteer health workers, such as doctors and nurses, have helped save people’s lives unconditionally. How can we express our gratitude to them? Think and share your ideas or experiences with your parents or classmates.