Student Activities/Competitions (2022/23)

SOW Motivational Talk Contest​​​​​​(Primary/Secondary)

A speaking competition inviting students to create a short video to share their reading or viewing experience by connecting their reflections on a text of their own choice with a SOW that echoes the theme and/or sub-themes of the campaign

Announcement of Results 
Primary Level  Secondary Level​​​​​​​

School-based Activity: Week of Positivity (Primary/Secondary)

A school-based activity week staging a variety of English learning activities which reflect schools’ unique strategies and initiatives to promote positive values and attitudes

​​​​​​​* Please click here to view the highlights  of the school-based activity "Week of Positivity"

Poetry Remake Competition

A writing and art competition which engages students to create a 2D artwork based on one of the selected poems and write an artist statement to explain the positive message and techniques used in
their work
Announcement of Results

Time to Talk
​​​​​​​Public Speaking Competition ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(Secondary)

A public speaking competition which engages students in delivering a public speech in English, based on the lyrics of a
song related to the theme this year, supported by the use of IT

Filmit 2023:
​​​​​​​A Student Film Competition ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(Primary/Secondary)

A digital filmmaking competition which engages students to create a short film of 1-minute duration (for the One-minute Film category) or 3-5-minute duration (for the General category) based on the theme selected for the year

Story to Stage
Puppetry Competition

A puppetry competition which invites teams of KS2 students to stage and film a puppetry performance