Suggested answers

1. A balanced diet and regular exercise are important to our body. (Paragraph 1)
2. A famous football team will come to Hong Kong next week. Hundreds of people will flock to the football pitch to see the match. (Paragraph 2)
3. Chinese New Year is a good time to have different generations of close relatives gather together and greet one another. (Paragraph 3)
4. Most of the restaurants near our house serve excellent food. (Paragraph 4)
5. During Chinese New Year celebrations, the dancers wear traditional costume and perform on stage. (Paragraph 5)
6. Through the celebrations and activities held during Chinese New Year, we could deepen our appreciation for the unique Chinese traditions and values. (Paragraph 6)

Part C

Fill in each blank with a word from the reading text. You can find the word in the given paragraph.

A balanced diet and regular exercise are to our body. (Paragraph 1)
A famous football team will come to Hong Kong next week. Hundreds of people will to the football pitch to see the match. (Paragraph 2)
Chinese New Year is a good time to have different of close relatives gather together and greet one another. (Paragraph 3)
Most of the restaurants near our house excellent food. (Paragraph 4)
During Chinese New Year celebrations, the dancers wear costume and perform on stage. (Paragraph 5)
Through the celebrations and activities held during Chinese New Year, we could deepen our appreciation for the Chinese traditions and values. (Paragraph 6)