Jonas Salk a doctor researcher. He the first polio vaccine to prevent people (mostly children) from getting polio, an disease which many people and death to some.
Early life and education
In 1914, Jonas Salk in New York. He up in a family. His parents him to work hard in his studies. Jonas a bachelor’s degree in science from the City College of New York in 1934. he medicine at New York University. He in research and to become a medical scientist. Jonas a doctorate in medicine in 1939.
Career path and achievements
In 1942, Jonas with other researchers at the University of Michigan to study flu viruses. In 1947, he the head of the Virus Research Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh and conducting research on polio viruses. In 1952, many children badly from polio. More than 57,000 cases of polio . Jonas a polio vaccine and preliminary testing. The testing to the level for the two years. About 1.8 million children the vaccine during the test phase. In 1955, the polio vaccine for use. Jonas the vaccine, he a national hero.

In 1963, Jonas the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, in which he and other scientists diseases and treatments. He research on AIDS and HIV in the stages of his career. He of heart failure in 1995.
Other information
Jonas’s polio vaccine later by another polio vaccine which less and to use.
Read the biography of Jonas Salk in Part B again. Complete the following text boxes.