How can we generate creative ideas? SCAMPER techniques are useful for developing or improving ideas. SCAMPER is an acronym for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify/ Magnify/ Minify, Put to Other Uses, Eliminate and Reverse/Rearrange.

Substitute - Replace one thing with another/change the parts
Combine - Add/Put more things together
Adapt - Meet other needs
Modify - Change the look/quality
Magnify - Make a thing bigger, heavier, faster, more frequent
Minify - Make a thing smaller, lighter, slower, less frequent
Put to Other Uses - Use a thing in other ways
Eliminate - Take away a characteristic, part or whole
Reverse - Turn a thing around/change to the opposite
Rearrange - Change the order

Part E

It's your turn! Invent a festival using SCAMPER techniques. You may generate creative ideas based on an existing festival. Write the methods that you use. Fill in the table in notes or complete sentences.

What is the name of the festival?
New ideas(s)
Sensory word(s)
When is the festival?
New ideas(s)
Sensory word(s)
Why do people celebrate the festival?
New ideas(s)
Sensory word(s)
How do people celebrate the festival?
New ideas(s)
Sensory word(s)
What do people think about the values of the festival?
New ideas(s)
Sensory word(s)