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[Archive] Regarding the children who cross the border to attend schools in Hong Kong

LEGCO QUESTION NO.8(Written Reply)


Asked by: Hon IP Kwok-him

Replied by: Secretary for Education and Manpower


Regarding the children who cross the border to attend schools in Hong Kong, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the number of such students and the districts in which their schools are located;

(b) of the modes of transport used by these students for travelling to and from school; and

(c) whether the travelling expenses incurred by these students are higher than those incurred by students living in Hong Kong; if that is the case, whether it has accordingly adjusted the level of travel subsidy granted to them; if it has, of the computation formula for the subsidy and the criteria for granting the subsidy; if it has not, the reasons for that?


Madam President,

(a) Information on the number of Hong Kong students who live in the Mainland and cross the border to attend schools in Hong Kong as well as the districts in which their schools are located is as follows -

Location of Schools Number of Students
North District 3 125
Yuen Long 417
Tai Po       25
Total: 3 567

(b) We do not have any statistics on the modes of transport used by these students for travelling to and from school.

(c) The amount of travelling expenses incurred by students depends on many factors like the location of the school, the distance between home and school, the modes of transport available and individual preferences. Hong Kong students who live in the Mainland and cross the border to attend schools may receive Student Travel Subsidy or Cross-net Travel Subsidy for the expenses incurred in travelling to and from school within the boundaries of Hong Kong, provided that they have passed the means test. The amount of travel subsidy is calculated on the basis of the average fares on public transport to and from the transit area and the district in which the school is located.

According to our record of travel subsidy payments made in the 2002/03 school year, as at 31 December 2002, the average travel subsidy received by students who cross the border to attend schools in Hong Kong is higher than that for all eligible students. The relevant information is shown below -

  Eligible Students who Cross the Border to Attend Schools All Eligible Students
Cross-net Travel Subsidy Scheme
Average amount of subsidy
$2,250 $1,320

Student Travel Subsidy Scheme

Average amount of subsidy - full grant

Average amount of subsidy - half grant





