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[Archive] Exemplars of Curriculum Development in Schools - 2001 September


~ Sept 2001~


  1. I. Effective Learning and Teaching in Key Learning Areas and General Studies
    1. Chinese Language Education
      1. 1.1 愉快語文學習試驗 - 跨越「一本書的年代」(小一)PDF
      2. 1.2 閱讀與思考計畫(小四至小六)PDF
      3. 1.3 如何組織校本中學中國語文課程(中一至中三)PDF
    2. English Language Education
      1. 2.1 Promoting Shared Reading and Developing Phonics and Vocabulary
        Building Skills : "Using My Five Senses" (Primary 1 - 3)
      2. 2.2 Promoting Grammar Learning through a Range of Language Materials
        and Activities : "Growing Up" (Primary 4 - 6)
      3. 2.3 Using Imaginative and Literary Texts to Develop Creativity, Critical
        Thinking and Cultural Awareness : "Where go the boats?" (Secondary 1 - 3)
    3. Mathematics Education
      1. 3.1 Using Standard Units in Measurement (Primary 1 - 3)PDF
      2. 3.2 Formulating Algebraic Equations in Word Problems (Secondary 1 - 3)PDF
    4. Personal, Social and Humanities Education
      1. 4.1 個人、社會及人文教育學習領域內的不同課程設計模式(中一至中三)PDF
      2. 4.2 Inquiry Approach (Secondary 1 - 3)PDF
      3. 4.3 培養批判性思考能力 - 觀點與角度(中學中國歷史科)PDF
      4. 4.4 培養批判性思考能力 - 教學活動(中學中國歷史科)PDF
    5. Science Education
      1. 5.1 Developing Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills through the
        Design of Experiments (Secondary 1 - 3)
      2. 5.2 Exploring New Scientific Developments and Demonstrating Concern
        about Their Impact on Society (Secondary 4 - 7)
    6. Technology Education
      1. 6.1 Teaching and Learning Computer Literacy via More Meaningful Contexts
        (Secondary 1 - 3)
      2. 6.2 The Provision of Equal Learning Opportunities for Students of Both
        Genders (Secondary 1 - 3)
      3. 6.3 Integrated Learning (Secondary 1 - 3)PDF
      4. 6.4 Business Opportunities on an Open Day (Secondary) PDF
    7. Arts Education
      1. 7.1 自然之音(小一至小三)PDF
      2. 7.2 非洲藝術與文化(中一)PDF
      3. 7.3 Hong Kong Regional Culture - Communication Design (Secondary 4 - 7)PDF
    8. Physical Education
      1. 8.1 Physical Activities and Health (Primary 2 - 3) PDF
      2. 8.2 Understanding Etiquette and Development of Sportsmanship through
        Basketball Activities (Secondary 1 - 3 )
    9. General Studies for Primary Schools
      1. 9.1 締造空間、加強學習(小一)PDF
      2. 9.2 為學生提供多元化的學習經歷(小四)PDF
  1. II. Assessment for Learning
    1. 同儕互改作文(小學)PDF
    2. 同儕互評與自我修訂 - 中學中國語文「游說技巧」單元(中一)PDF
    3. Comparison of Open-ended and Close-ended Questions
      (Primary and Secondary)
    4. Promoting Language Learning through Two Approaches to Assessing Writing
      (Secondary 3)
    5. Enhancing Learning in Mathematics Lessons through Immediate Feedback
      (Primary 1 - 3)
    6. Effective Teaching, Learning and Assessment Cycle : Process Writing in
      English Language Education (Primary 4 - 6)
    7. Teaching, Learning and Assessment Cycle - A Case in Science Education
      (Secondary 1 - 3)
    8. A Multi-stage Assessment in Technology Education - The Design of the
      Package for a Product to be Put on Sale in Supermarkets (Secondary 3)
    9. 全方位學習的評估 - 「大澳戶外考察活動」(中國歷史科)PDF
  1. III. Four Key Tasks
    1. Moral & Civic Education
      1. 1.1 服務學習(小學)PDF
      2. 1.2 「傷健共融:暑期親子樂繽紛,學習服務齊相長」(中學)PDF
      3. 1.3 「認識國民身分和一國兩制」 - 公民教育徑考察活動(小學及中學)PDF
      4. 1.4 言教身教 - 推動學校德育及公民教育的有效方法(中學)PDF
      5. 1.5 導師計畫(中一至中三)PDF
      6. 1.6 處理學生偏差行為問題 - 以身作則,以關顧代替懲罰(中學)PDF
    2. Reading to Learn
      1. 2.1 家校合作閱讀學習活動(小學)PDF
      2. 2.2 Linking Reading to Creative Writing (Primary 3)PDF

      3. 2.3 Reading Across the Curriculum (Secondary 1 - 3)PDF
    3. Project Learning
      1. 3.1 Introducing a Web-based Tool for Supporting Project Learning
        (Primary and Secondary)
      2. 3.2 Assessment for Project Learning (Primary and Secondary) PDF
    4. Information Technology for Interactive Learning
      1. 4.1 善用資訊科技,互動學習更有效(小學及中學)PDF
  1. IV. Life-wide Learning
    1. 「全方位學習日 / 夜多面睇」(小學)PDF
    2. 全方位學習日 / 夜的延續活動-中文科寫作教學(小學)PDF
    3. 把全方位學習活動編進校曆表(中學)PDF
    4. An Educational Tour of an Overseas Country (Secondary 6) PDF
  1. V. Catering for Learner Differences
    1. Catering for Various Reading Styles (Primary 3) PDF
    2. Designing Differentiated Writing Tasks for Different Ability Groups
    3. Motivating Students to Learn - Writing Mathematics Diaries (Primary 1)PDF
    4. Different Ways of Understanding - the Case of Fractions in Mathematics
      (Primary 4)
    5. Developing a Community of Learners - Using Co-operative Learning
      (Primary 3)
    6. 玩具圖書館(小學、中學)PDF
    7. 資優教育(情意教學)-「讓我們做得更好」(小三至小六)PDF
    8. 資優教育(創意思考教學)-「拾球記」(小二)PDF
  1. VI. School-Based Curriculum Development
    1. 校本課程發展模式 - 「點、線、面」(小學)PDF
    2. 校本課程發展歷程(小學)PDF
    3. 課程發展,全校參與(小學)PDF
    4. 在創意中成長 - 推展校本課程的「由下而上」策略(小學)PDF
    5. School-based Curriculum Change (Secondary)PDF
  1. VII. Collaborative Lesson Preparation
    1. 共同備課(小學)PDF
    2. Collaborative Lesson Preparation (Primary)PDF
    3. Collaborative Lesson Preparation (Secondary)
  1. VIII. Time-tabling
    1. School Time-table Arrangement - Cross Level Subject Setting (Primary)PDF
    2. 新時間表架構的試驗(小學)PDF
    3. 靈活運用上課時間(小學)PDF
    4. 全日制小學時間表PDF
    5. 半日制小學時間表PDF
    6. 中學時間表(中一至中三)PDF
    7. 長、短課節的安排(中一至中三)PDF
  1. IX. Homework
    1. An Assignment on 'My hand ......' (Primary 2)PDF
    2. 功課多元化(小二)PDF
    3. 另類課業 - 遊戲(中一)PDF
    4. 另類課業 - 訪問(中一)PDF
  1. X. Home-School Co-operation
    1. Home-School Communication Approach - Information Technology for
      Parent and Child (Primary)
    2. 家校合作 - 提高學生中文寫作興趣及能力(小四)PDF
  1. XI. Interface & Transition
    1. 幼稚園與小學的銜接PDF
    2. Helping Primary Six Students to Prepare for Life in a Secondary School with
      English as the Medium of Instruction
    3. Developing Self-Esteem of Secondary One Students through Summer
      Bridging Programmes


Curriculum Development Council

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