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Personal, Social and Humanities Education – Professional Development Programmes 2020-2021


Personal, Social and Humanities Education
Course ID
CDI020201487Planning and Implementing the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Series: Major Curriculum Updates and Key Focuses for Curriculum Development (November 2020 Event)  (Re-run) (Online Mode)2020/11/11-2020/11/20
CDI020210840Planning and Implementing the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Series: Major Curriculum Updates and Key Focuses for Curriculum Development (December 2020 Event)  (Refreshed) (Online Mode)2020/12/16-2020/12/28
CDI020200757Planning and Implementing the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Series: Major Curriculum Updates and Key Focuses for Curriculum Development (January 2021 Event) (Refreshed) (Online Mode)2021/01/20-2021/01/29
CDI020211196Planning and Implementing the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Series: Major Curriculum Updates and Key Focuses for Curriculum Development (April 2021 Event)  (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/04/21-2021/04/30
CDI020211301Planning and Implementing the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Series: Major Curriculum Updates and Key Focuses for Curriculum Development (May 2021 Event)  (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/05/19-2021/05/28
CDI020211329Experience Sharing on using Teaching Resources with themes related to “the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge” in Personal, Social and Humanities Education - Online course2021/06/16
CDI020211442Field Visit to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and its related facilities (Personal, Social and Humanities Education)2021/06/26
CDI020211425Planning and Implementing the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Series: Major Curriculum Updates and Key Focuses for Curriculum Development (July 2021 Event) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/06/30-2021/07/09
CDI020211495Dissemination Seminar on using Teaching Resources with themes related to “the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge” in Personal, Social and Humanities Education2021/07/06

National Security Education

Course ID
CDI020201550Knowledge Enrichment Seminar on "National Security and Our Daily Lives" (New)2020/11/16
CDI020201663National Security Education Knowledge Enrichment Seminar Series: (2) The Importance of the Rule of Law to the HKSAR (New)2021/02/03
CDI020211270National Security Education Knowledge Enrichment Seminar Series: (3) Elucidation of the Political Structure of the HKSAR (New)2021/05/07
CDI020211481National Security Education Knowledge Enrichment Seminar Series: (4) Knowing more about the Law: Continental Law, Common Law and "National Security Law" (Webinar) (New)2021/07/20


The Constitution and the Basic Law Education

Course ID
CDI020201277Advanced Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Trial in 2019/20 school year) (New)2020/07/27-2020/09/07
CDI020201444Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (First intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2020/9/25-2020/10/27
CDI020201445《Advanced Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (First intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2020/9/25-2020/11/9
CDI020201546Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Second intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2020/10/30-2020/11/30
CDI020201563Advanced Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Second intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2020/11/20-2021/01/04
CDI020201613Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Third intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2020/12/04-2021/01/04
CDI020201662Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Fourth intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/01/08-2021/02/08
CDI020201618Advanced Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Third intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/01/11-2021/02/22
CDI020211003Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Fifth intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/02/10-2021/03/10
CDI020211088Advanced Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Fourth intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/03/08-2021/04/12
CDI020211121Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Sixth intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/03/26-2021/04/26
CDI020211175Advanced Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Fifth intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/04/19-2021/05/31
CDI020211176Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Seventh intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/05/07-2021/06/07
CDI020211288Advanced Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Sixth intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/06/07-2021/07/19
CDI020211287Basic Law Knowledge Enrichment Online Course for Secondary School Teachers (Eighth intake in 2020/21 school year) (Re-run)2021/06/11-2021/07/12


Chinese History
Course ID
CDI020201440「初中非華語學生學習中國歷史—專業支援計劃 (2020/21)」簡介會(新辦)2020/9/29
CDI020201584「初中非華語學生學習中國歷史—專業支援計劃 (2020/21)」學習圈活動(一):非華語學生中史課堂語言運用的挑戰及回應(新辦)2020/11/14




CDI020200514教育局─香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列五 (文人與女人:大歷史以外的故事) ─ 第一講:同是天涯淪落人?繁華背後的宋代都市生活(新辦)2020/12/2
CDI020200502教育局─香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列五(文人與女人:大歷史以外的故事)─ 第二講:「舊事渾如昨,舊心總問天」:元明清女性的生存處境與命運(新辦)2020/12/4
CDI020201636「初中非華語學生學習中國歷史—專業支援計劃 (2020/21)」教師專業發展工作坊(一):中史語體教學法—從孔子到漢武帝(新辦)2020/12/5






CDI020211095「初中非華語學生學習中國歷史—專業支援計劃 (2020/21)」學習圈活動(二):非華語學生初中中史學與教的策略(新辦)2021/3/13
CDI020211225教育局─香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列六(雙城記:歷史上的北京與上海) ─ 第一講:九五之尊:明清帝都北京的城市格局和皇家建築(新辦)2021/4/26
CDI020211226教育局─香港城市大學中文及歷史系講座系列六(雙城記:歷史上的北京與上海) ─ 第二講:誰的上海?近代上海的城市文化及生活(新辦)2021/4/29










CDI020211313「初中非華語學生學習中國歷史—專業支援計劃 (2020/21)」學習圈活動(三):非華語學生初中中史的評估策略(新辦)2021/5/29

「初中非華語學生學習中國歷史—專業支援計劃 (2020/21)」







Course ID
CDI020201443Knowledge enrichment on Fintech and students’ development of competencies for Fintech profession in secondary schools (New) Online Course2020/09/26
CDI020210417The impacts of COVID-19 pandemics on global economic development (New) Online course2020/10/28
CDI020201165Online Course: How to Implement Financial Education in Secondary Schools (New)2020/11/02-2020/11/20
CDI020210407Briefing on public assessment of HKDSE Economics: illustration of 2020 Exam Papers--Online course (New)


2020/11/11  2020/11/17
CDI020210410Learning and teaching of Macroeconomics: AS-AD Model & Money Market Analysis (New)-Online course2020/11/20
CDI020210408Develop data-response question in Economics: Illustrate with the example of US-China Trade War (New) Online course2020/11/23
CDI020210418 The development of E-payment and its impacts on money market (New) Online Course2020/12/02
CDI020201592Develop data-response question in Economics: Illustrate with the issue of poverty and income inequality  (New) Online course2020/12/11
CDI020201582Learning and teaching of Macroeconomics: AS-AD Model & Money Market Analysis (Re-run)-Online course2020/12/15
CDI020201648Online Course: How to Implement Financial Education in Secondary Schools (Re-run)2021/01/20-2021/02/05
CDI020210415Professional sharing of instructional design and implementation experience in Economics (New) (Online Course)2021/01/23
CDI020201684Experience sharing and introduction to the learning and teaching resources for implementing “Flipping the Economics classroom” (New) Online Course2021/02/03
CDI020201689The development of electronic money and virtual bank & demonstration of a related data-response question (New) Online course2021/02/04
CDI020200997Financial Skills You Should Have Learned in Secondary School (New) - Online course2021/02/23
CDI020211065Knowledge enrichment on Personal Financial Management and Teaching Experience Sharing in Secondary Schools (New) Online Course2021/03/06
CDI020210421Induction course for new Economics teachers  (New) Online course2021/03/23
CDI020211213The recent economic development of China – the Greater Bay Area & demonstration of a related data-response question (New) Online course2021/04/30
CDI020211251The regional economic development of China and ASEAN under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) (New) Online course2021/05/13
CDI020211224Learning economics by using authentic cases and Econgraphics (New) Online course2021/05/17
CDI020211320Knowledge enrichment and teaching experience sharing on consumer and financial education in secondary schools (New) Online Course2021/06/03
CDI020211202Experience Sharing on Implementation of e-Learning in Economics  (New) - Online course2021/06/18
CDI020211384The Development of Data Response Question in Economics: Theory and Practice (New)2021/06/30
CDI020211427Currency and Financial Security: Resilience of the Linked Exchange Rate System of Hong Kong to Different Market Shocks (New) Online course2021/07/15
CDI020211434Induction course for new Economics teachers (Re-run) Online course2021/07/19


Religious Education / Ethics and Religious Studies
Course ID
CDI020210904Understanding and Interpreting the Curriculum cum Knowledge Café for the Improvement of Learning and Teaching in SS Ethics and Religious Studies (New)2020/10/27-2020/11/19
CDI020211085Learning to Live Together: Workshop for Facilitating Restoration of Human Relationships of Students (New) (Online Mode)2021/03/15-2021/03/28
CDI020211200Workshop on “Developing Priority Values through ‘Audio Moral Stories’” (New)2021/05/04

SS Ethics and Religious Studies Knowledge Enrichment and Learning and Teaching Strategies Series:

Introduction to Normative Ethics and Workshop on Key Concept Comprehension through Thinking in Action Strategies: (1) The Nature of Morality (New)
CDI020211217SS Ethics and Religious Studies Knowledge Enrichment and Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Introduction to Normative Ethics and Workshop on Key Concept Comprehension through Thinking in Action Strategies: (2) Theory of Conduct (New)2021/06/10
CDI020200443Integrative Application of Generic Skills: Cultivating Students’ Global Competence through Life and Society and Co-curricular Activities (New)2021/6/24

SS Ethics and Religious Studies Knowledge Enrichment and Learning and Teaching Strategies Series:

Introduction to Normative Ethics and Workshop on Key Concept Comprehension through Thinking in Action Strategies:  (3) Theory of Value and Virtue (New)
CDI020211526SS Ethics and Religious Studies Knowledge Enrichment and Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Seminar cum Resource Dissemination on “Sex, Companionship and Family” (New)2021/07/23


Course ID
CDI020210640SS Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Geography Curriculum: (17) Experience sharing on designing and conducting geography fieldwork on “Opportunities & Risks” (Refreshed) [Online course]

2020/09/28 - 2020/10/11,

2020/10/12 - 2020/10/25
CDI020201491Briefing Session on 2020 HKDSE Geography Examination (New)



CDI020201569Online Seminar on “Climate Change – a Real and Present Danger” cum Virtual Visit to the Hong Kong Observatory (New) [ZOOM Webinar]2020/11/25
CDI020201579Online Seminar on Earthquakes & Tsunamis cum Virtual Visit to the Earthquake Monitoring Facilities of the Hong Kong Observatory (New)[ZOOM Webinar]2020/12/02
CDI020210574Senior Secondary Enriching Knowledge for the Geography Curriculum: (5) Dynamic Earth Series – Application of Technology on Geological Studies and Identification of Geological Features - Seminar (New) (Zoom Webinar)2020/12/21
CDI020210667Induction Course for New Geography Teachers (Part 1) – The learning, teaching and planning of the geography curricula (New)2020/12/22
CDI020201641SS Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Geography Curriculum: (17) Experience sharing on designing and conducting geography fieldwork on “Opportunities & Risks” (Re-run) [Online course with VLE of HKEdCity]2020/12/28 - 2021/01/10
CDI020210573Senior Secondary Enriching Knowledge for the Geography Curriculum: (5) Dynamic Earth Series – Understanding Folding and Faulting through Geological Hotspots in Hong Kong (Zoom webinar) (New)2021/01/04
CDI020211007Induction Course for New Secondary Geography Teachers (Part 2) - Using different learning and teaching resources to cater for learners’ diversity (New) (Zoom course)2021/02/24
CDI020211189e-Learning in Geography Series (19): Workshops on using information technology to develop flipped classroom and online learning and teaching materials in geography (New)






CDI020210665SS Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Geography Curriculum: (18) Management and use of geography room for effective learning and teaching of geography and development of fieldwork skills (New) [Online course via Zoom]2021/04/14
CDI020211250SS Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Geography Curriculum: (18) Management and use of geography room for effective learning and teaching of geography and development of fieldwork skills (Re-run) [Online course via Zoom]2021/04/28
CDI020211278Senior Secondary Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Geography Curriculum: Planning of Fieldwork Activities on the Topic “River Environment” (New) (Zoom Webinar)2021/05/14
CDI020210652SS Enriching Knowledge for the Geography Curriculum: (41) Development of sustainable agriculture and agricultural technology in Hong Kong (New) [Online course via Zoom]2021/05/26
CDI020211371Senior Secondary Enriching Knowledge for the Geography Curriculum: (5) Dynamic Earth Series – Application of Innovation and Technology on Landslide Prevention and Mitigation Projects (New) (Zoom)2021/06/04
CDI020210641Geography Teachers’ Professional Experience Sharing Week on Geography Education in Hong Kong (2021) - Part 1: Good Practices on the Learning & Teaching of Geography [Online course via Zoom]2021/06/17
CDI020211365Geography Teachers’ Professional Experience Sharing Week on Geography Education in Hong Kong (2021) - Part 2: Good Practices on implementing e-Learning in Geography [Online course via Zoom]2021/06/18
CDI020211426Senior Secondary Enriching Knowledge Series for Geography Curriculum: Seminar on “Planning and Development of New Development Areas/New Town Extension” cum Online Guided Tour of City Gallery (New) (Zoom)2021/06/25
CDI020210657SS Enriching Knowledge for the Geography Curriculum: (42) River and Coastal Management in Hong Kong (New) [Online course via Zoom]2021/07/02
CDI020211472e-Learning in Geography Series (20): Workshops on using information technology to develop geography virtual fieldwork materials on rivers (New)








Course ID
CDI020201442Teacher Training Series for the Revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum: Online Course on "How to cater for learning diversity in History class" (Re-run)2020/10/01
CDI020210786Learning and Teaching Strategies Series: Seminar cum Sharing Sessions on Learning History through Reading (I) (New)2020/11/04
CDI020201517Teacher Training Series for the Revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum: Using Information Technology To Enhance Learning And Teaching Effectiveness (Re-run)2020/11/11, 13, 21
CDI020201570Teacher Training Series for the Revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum: Online Course on Curriculum Interpretation and Curriculum Leadership (New)2020/11/23
CDI020210802Enriching Knowledge Series: The rise of Islamic civilisation and cultural interactions between Europe and Asia in Medieval Times—1. An Introduction to Islam (New)


CDI020201572Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on the growth and development of Hong Kong before Japanese occupation— 1. The rise of local Chinese, their roles and contributions  (New)2020/12/07
CDI020201571Enriching Knowledge Series: Seminar on the growth and development of Hong Kong before Japanese occupation—2. The contributions of different local Chinese organisations (New)2020/12/09
CDI020201699Regional Learning Circle of History Teachers (Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai District): Lesson Demonstration and Experience Sharing on e-Learning (New)2021/01/11
CDI020201701Regional Learning Circle of History Teachers (Kowloon East and Tseung Kwan O District): Lesson Demonstration and Experience Sharing on e-Learning (New)2021/01/18
CDI020201705Intangible Cultural Heritage Series: Online Seminar cum Workshop on Local Intangible Cultural Heritage 'Dough Figurine Crafting Technique' (New) AA, AB Session2021/01/20,  26
CDI020211002Enriching Knowledge Series: The rise of Islamic civilisation and cultural interactions between Europe and Asia in Medieval Times—2: Developments and challenges of Islam from the 7th to 15th centuries(New)2021/02/05
CDI020211008Intangible Cultural Heritage Series: Online Seminar on 'Inheritance and Preservation: Using intangible cultural heritage items in Suzhou, Quanzhou, Guangzhou and Hong Kong as examples' (New)2021/03/02
CDI020211063Online Professional Training Course for teachers on 'Housing Development in Hong Kong in the 1950s -70s' (New)2021/03/10
CDI020211153Knowledge Enrichment Series: Online Seminar on 'When West Meets East: The Development of Hong Kong Catholicism in the 20th Century' (New)2021/03/19
CDI020211004Enriching Knowledge Series: The rise of Islamic civilisation and cultural interactions between Europe and Asia in Medieval Times—3: Developments in trade and civilisation of Islam from the 7th to 15th centuries (New)2021/03/29
CDI020211281Online Professional Training Course for teachers on 'Becoming Intangible Cultural Heritage: Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade' (New)2021/04/30
CDI020211272Knowledge-Enrichment Series: Online Seminar on 'Understanding local Chinese elites in the early 20th century through epitaphs' (New)2021/05/11
CDI020220009Enriching Knowledge Series: The rise of Islamic civilisation and cultural interactions between Europe and Asia in Medieval Times—4: Scientific achievements of the Islamic civilization (New)2021/05/27
CDI020211335Teacher Training Series for the Revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum: Using Information Technology to Enhance Learning And Teaching Effectiveness (Re-run)2021/06/22, 24, 26
CDI020211445History Regional Learning Circle (Kowloon East and Tseung Kwan O District): Experience Sharing on Using Diversified Strategies to implement the Junior and Senior Secondary History Curricula (New)2021/06/23
CDI020211441Enriching Knowledge Series: The rise of Islamic civilisation and cultural interactions between Europe and Asia in Medieval Times—5. Seminar on Artistic achievements of Islamic civilisation & the development of Islam in Mainland and Hong Kong; and visit to Masjid Ammar and O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre (New)2021/06/24
CDI020211477Enriching Knowledge Series: The growth and development of Hong Kong before Japanese occupation—Field visit on "Local Chinese and the development of Hong Kong" (New)2021/07/06
CDI020211446Regional Learning Circle of History Teachers (Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai District): Experience Sharing on Using Diversified Strategies to implement the revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum (New)2021/07/14
CDI020211574Online Professional Training Course for teachers on 'Becoming Intangible Cultural Heritage: Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade' (Re-run)2021/08/20


Life and Society (S1-3)
Course ID
CDI020210712“Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)” Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School based Curriculum to Life and Society”, (Seminar 2) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2020/09/16-2020/09/25
CDI020210714“Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)” Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 3) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2020/10/14-2020/10/23
CDI020210730"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 2) (Refreshed) (Zoom meeting mode)2020/11/13
CDI020210715"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 4) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2020/11/18-2020/11/27
CDI020210731"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 3) (Re-run) (Zoom meeting mode)2020/12/04
CDI020210740“Learning and Teaching Resource Package for Building Resilience through Experiential Learning” Series: (1) Introduction of the Package (New) (Zoom Webinar mode)2020/12/08
CDI020210717"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 5) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2020/12/16-2020/12/28
CDI020210721"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 6) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/01/13-2021/01/22
CDI020210734"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 4) (Refreshed) (Zoom meeting mode)2021/01/22
CDI020200397“Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)” Learning and Teaching Resources Series: (2) Briefing Session on Teaching Manual on Promoting Language across the Curriculum (New) (Online Mode)2021/01/25-2021/02/03
CDI020210994"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 7) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/02/10-2021/02/19
CDI020210736"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 5)(Re-run) (Zoom meeting mode)2021/02/26
CDI020211071"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 8) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/03/17-2021/03/26
CDI020210738"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 6) (Re-run) (Zoom meeting mode)2021/03/19
CDI020211183"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 9) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/04/14-2021/04/23
CDI020211184"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 7) (Re-run) (Zoom meeting mode)2021/04/16
CDI020211268"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Seminar Series: Seminars on “From School-based Curriculum to Life and Society” (Seminar 10) (Re-run) (Online Mode)2021/05/12
CDI020211269"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 8)(Re-run) (Zoom meeting mode)2021/05/14
CDI020210749Induction Course for Newly-joined Life and Society Teachers: Latest Development of the Life and Society (Secondary 1-3) Curriculum, and the Use of e-Learning to Enhance Learning and Teaching in Life and Society (New) (Online mode)2021/06/16-2021/06/30
CDI020200729Use of “Learning through Board Games and Card Games” as an Effective Learning and Teaching Strategy to Promote Self-directed Learning in Life and Society (Secondary 1-3) (New)2021/06/18
CDI020211390"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 9)(Re-run) (Zoom meeting mode)2021/06/25
CDI020211364Introduction to “Life and Society Curriculum (Secondary 1-3) Support Materials on Strand 5: Resources and Economic Activities” and Knowledge Enrichment on Hong Kong Youth Employment (Online course)2021/06/28
CDI020211490"Support the Offering of Life and Society (Secondary 1-3)" Learning Circle Series: Workshops on "Planning the Life and Society Curriculum" (Workshop 10)(Re-run) (Zoom meeting mode)2021/07/09
CDI020210745“Building Resilience through Experiential Learning” Series: (2) Briefing Session of the “Learning and Teaching Resource Package for Building Resilience through Experiential Learning” and Sharing of Implementation Experience (New)2021/07/19


Tourism and Hospitality Studies
Course ID
CDI020211340Teacher Training Series for SS Tourism and Hospitality Studies (THS) Curriculum:2021/06/28
CDI020211343(1) Online Seminar and Sharing on ‘Curriculum Interpretation and Curriculum Leadership’ (New)2021/07/05
CDI020211344Teacher Training Series for SS Tourism and Hospitality Studies (THS) Curriculum: (2) Online Seminar and Sharing on ‘Curriculum Planning and Learning and Teaching Strategies’ (New)2021/07/12
CDI020211549Teacher Training Series for SS Tourism and Hospitality Studies (THS) Curriculum: (3) Online Seminar and Sharing on ‘Assessment Strategies’ (New)2021/08/17