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Technology Education - Teacher Education Programmes (2013-14)


School Year 2013/2014


Programme ID
Programme Name
Target Participants
CDI020140403 Teaching Control Technology and Innovative Robotics in Technological Subjects (Refreshed) 2014/07/17, 18, 19, 21 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) and Technological Subjects Teachers    
CDI020140398 Enriching Knowledge for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (21) Design and Communication in the Compulsory Part (Refreshed) 2014/07/11 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) and Technological Subjects Teachers    
CDI020140393 Learning and Teaching Strategies for Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (3) Application of Theme-based Resources Materials in the Design and Communication Topic (New) 2014/07/10 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) and Technological Subjects Teachers  
CDI020141066 Enriching Knowledge for the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum Series: (22) Hong Kong Accounting Standards Updates and Cost Accounting in Practice (New) 2014/07/03 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Teachers of other business subjects are also welcome.

Handout 1

Handout 2

CDI020141062 Enriching Knowledge on Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum Series: (21) Financial Analysis and Cost Accounting (New) 2014/06/24 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Teachers of other business subjects are also welcome.

Handout 1

Handout 2

CDI020141024 Enriching Knowledge on Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum Series: (18) Consumer Credit and Personal Financial Planning (New) 2014/06/23 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Teachers of other business subjects are also welcome.

Handout 1

CDI020141061 Enriching Knowledge on Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum Series: (20) Marketing and Human Resources Management (New) 2014/06/17 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Teachers of other business subjects are also welcome.

Handout 1

CDI020141023 Assessing Student Learning for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (5) Briefing Session on Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Examination: School-based Assessment (Refreshed) 2014/06/07 Teaching & Learning NSS Design and Applied Technology (DAT) Panel Heads and Teachers   
CDI020140873 Enriching Knowledge for the Information and Communication Technology Curriculum Series: (16) Latest Developments in Cloud Computing (New) 2014/06/06 Learning & Teaching Finance Type: All
Level: Secondary
Subject/Function:Information & Communication Technology
Participant:Panel heads and teachers
CDI020140127 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Information and Communication Technology Curriculum Series: (7) Effective use of learning and teaching resource materials to teach social implications of information and communication technology (New) 2014/06/05 Learning & Teaching Finance Type: All
Level: Secondary Subject/Function:Information & Communication Technology  Participant:Panel heads and teachers 
CDI020140177 Assessing Student Learning for the Health Management and Social Care Curriculum Series: (3) Assessment for Learning (Re-run) 2014/06/04 Learning & Teaching Teachers who are interested or planning to teach Health Management and Social Care (HMSC)  
CGCDI020140811 Induction to the Senior Secondary Technology and Living Curriculum (Re-run) 2014/05/23
Learning & Teaching Finance Type: All
Level: Secondary
Subject/Function:Information & Communication Technology
Participant:Panel heads and teachers 
CDI020140890 Curriculum planning and effective use of resources in teaching Computer Literacy at the junior secondary level (Refreshed) 2014/05/21 Learning & Teaching Finance Type: All
Level: Secondary
Subject/Function: Computer Education
Participant: Coordinators, panel heads and teachers 
CDI020140965 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies Curriculum Series: (9) Sharing of Good Practices – Business Management Module (New) 2014/05/20 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Teachers of other business subjects are also welcome.

Handout 1

Handout 2

CDI020140867 Assessing Student Learning for the Information and Communication Technology Curriculum Series: (10) Using EDB Assessment Tasks Reference to Assess Student Learning in ICT (New) 2014/05/20 Learning & Teaching Finance Type: ALL 
CDI020140941 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies Curriculum Series: (8) Sharing of Good Practices – Accounting Module (New) 2014/05/19 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Teachers of other business subjects are also welcome.

Handout 1

Handout 2

Handout 3

CDI020140940 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies Curriculum Series: (7) Sharing of Good Practices – Compulsory Part (New) 2014/05/14 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Teachers of other business subjects are also welcome.

Handout 1

Handout 2

CDI020140889 Curriculum Planning for Junior Secondary Computer Education (Refreshed) 2014/05/14 Learning & Teaching Finance Type: All
Level: Secondary 
Subject/Function: Computer Education 
Participant: Coordinators, panel heads and teachers 
CDI020140862 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Information and Communication Technology Curriculum Series: (3) Development of Generic Skills (Critical Thinking, Creativity & Problem Solving) (Re-run) 2014/05/13 Learning & Teaching Finance Type: ALL 
CDI020140988 Briefing Session on the Recommendations for Medium-term Review of the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum and Assessment 2014/05/08 Curriculum development and implementation Panel heads and teachers of Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum 

Handout 1

Handout 2

CDI020140936 Curriculum Planning for Enriched Technology Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (S1-3) - Technological Subjects in S2 (Refreshed) 2014/04/29 Teaching & Learning Teachers and panel heads of Technological Subjects   
CDI020140176 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Health Management and Social Care Curriculum Series: (1) Learning and Teaching Strategies (Re-run) 2014/04/16 Learning & Teaching Teachers who are interested or planning to teach Health Management and Social Care (HMSC)  
CDI020140187 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Health Management and Social Care Curriculum Series: (4) Introduction of the Field Learning Guide (New) 2014/03/28 Learning & Teaching Panel Heads and teachers of Health Management and Social Care (HMSC)  
CDI020130548 Induction to Health Management and Social Care Curriculum (Re-run) 2014/03/26 Learning & Teaching Teachers who are interested or planning to teach Health Management and Social Care (HMSC)  
CDI020140840 Enriching Knowledge for the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum Series: (17) Financial Products in Stock Market (New) 2014/03/11 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools Handout 1
CDI020140826 Enriching Knowledge for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (26) Idea of Computer Aided-manufacturing in the Design Implementation and Material Processing Module (New) 2014/02/22 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) and Technological Subjects Teachers    
CDI020131458 Enriching Knowledge for the Health Management and Social Care Curriculum Series (21): Development of Social Care Industry (New) 2014/02/21 Learning & Teaching Panel Heads and teachers of Health Management and Social Care (HMSC)  
CDI020140825 Enriching Knowledge for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (24) Visit to Technology Industry in Hong Kong (Refreshed) 2014/02/20 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) and Technological Subjects Teachers    
CDI020131524 Briefing Session on School Survey for Medium-term Review of the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum and Assessment 2014/02/10 Curriculum Development & Implementation (V) (NSS) Secondary school coordinators, panel heads and teachers of the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum. Handout 1
Handout 2
CDI020131490 Enriching Knowledge for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (11) Idea of 3D Modelling Technology in the Visualisation and CAD Modelling Elective Module (Re-run) 2014/01/25 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) and Technological Subjects Teachers    
CDI020131489 Enriching Knowledge for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (14) Digital Video Production in the Creative Digital Media Elective Module (Re-run) 2014/01/18 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) and Technological Subjects Teachers   
CDI020140364 Learning and Teaching Strategies for the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum Series: (6) Stock Trading as an Investment (New) 2013/12/03 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Handout 1
Handout 2
CDI020131389 Understanding and Interpreting the Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Curriculum (for 2016 HKDSE Examination)(New) 2013/12/10 2013/12/11 Learning & Teaching Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in schools. Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
CDI020131110 Enriching Knowledge for the Health Management and Social Care Curriculum Series (20): Understanding Social Welfare (New) 2013/11/7,14 Learning & Teaching

Panel Heads and teachers of Health Management and Social Care (HMSC)

Handout 1chi only
CDI020131363 Assessing Student Learning for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (5) Briefing Session on Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Examination: School-based Assessment (New) 2013/11/02 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) Panel Heads and Teachers   
CDI020140371 Induction Course for New Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) Teachers (New) 2013/10/30 Learning & Teaching New Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) teachers in the 2013/14 school year Handout 1
CDI020131354 Assessing Student Learning for the Health Management and Social Care Curriculum Series (12): Briefing Session on 2013 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Health Management and Social Care Examination(New) 2013/10/22, 25 Learning & Teaching Panel Heads and teachers of Health Management and Social Care (HMSC)  
CDI020131348 Curriculum Planning for Enriched Technology Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (S1-3) - Technological Subjects (Refreshed) 2013/10/09 Teaching & Learning Teachers and panel heads of Technological Subjects   
CDI020131339 Assessing Student Learning for the Design and Applied Technology Curriculum Series: (7) Briefing Session on 2013 HKDSE DAT Examination (New) 2013/10/19 Teaching & Learning Design and Applied Technology (DAT) panel heads and teachers