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[Archive] Teacher Development

Question and Answer


Course Fee Reimbursement (Partial/ Full) for Kindergarten Principals and Teachers Studying Approved Courses from 2007/08 to 2011/12 School Year




Will only those courses listed on the Approved Course List (ACL) be eligible for course fee reimbursement? Is it true that if I attend a local Master Programme in Early Childhood Education (MEd(ECE)) outside the list, I will not be eligible for course fee reimbursement?




Under the pre-primary education new initiatives, we intend to further upgrade the professional competency of serving principals and teachers. We expect all serving principals and/or aspiring principals to complete the certification course by the end of 2011/12 school year; all serving principals are encouraged to obtain a Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood Education (BEd(ECE)) qualification; and all serving KG teachers will obtain the Certificate in Early Childhood Education (C(ECE)) by the end of the 2011/12 school year.

In order to encourage principals and teachers serving in private independent KGs and KGs not joining the PEVS to upgrade themselves, they may claim reimbursement from the Education Bureau (EDB) for up to 50% of the fees for one approved C(ECE) or degree course in ECE and the Certification course for Kindergarten Principals, capped at $60,000. For those principals and teachers serving in eligible non-profit-making (NPM) KGs, the amount of subsidy they are entitled should be no less than those principals and teachers serving in KGs not joining the PEVS. This will ensure that all serving teachers and principals have the same incentive and opportunity to upgrade their professional qualification by the 2011/12 school year.

Therefore, the ACL is prepared in line with the set policy targets. However, in the circumstances when the principal and all teachers serving in the NPM KG joining PEVS have completed the required training courses and fully met the policy targets, the principal and/or teachers may propose to have further upgrading if they so wish in the Teacher Development Plan to be submitted annually and we shall consider such proposal on individual merits.




Will only serving teachers attending courses in the ACL be eligible for course fee reimbursement?




Yes. To align with the set policy target, serving principal and serving full-time teachers teaching full curriculum of nursery, lower and upper classes in the KGs as from 2007/08 school year to 2011/12 school year are eligible for course fee reimbursement. Full-time teachers include teachers appointed on full-time teaching full curriculum in the morning session and/or afternoon session and/or both morning and afternoon sessions, but do not include supply and temporary teachers.




Is pre-service ECE training eligible for course fee reimbursement?




No. Under the existing policy, the course fee of pre-service ECE training should be borne by student themselves.




If I am currently attending a course on the ACL, and will complete it before the 2007/08 school year, but the graduation ceremony will be held in or after the 2007/08 school year, am I be eligible for course fee reimbursement?




Course fee reimbursement is applicable only to the approved courses undertaken by principals/teachers between the 2007/08 school year and the end of the 2011/12 school year. Courses completed before the 2007/08 school year is not eligible.




If the qualification I hold is a non-local academic or professional qualification, what should I do?




Under the existing practice, all non-local qualifications should be subject to individual assessment and the application should be submitted to Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications and the required fee is to be borne by the applicants themselves.




If I am a registered teacher, can I teach in a kindergarten and do I need to pursue C(ECE) or BEd(ECE) courses?




Registered teachers with recognised local teacher training can be appointed to teach in any school, and yet, we do encourage all registered teachers without C(ECE) qualification or equivalent to take up related training to strengthen their professional competency if they teach in kindergartens.




Is it only for kindergartens which have teachers attending day time training course to appoint supply teachers with the staff professional development subsidy?




No. Under the PEVS, besides providing fee subsidy for parents of eligible children, the scheme also subsidises teachers’ professional development. The amount of teachers’ professional development subsidy for each non-profit-making KG joining the PEVS will be calculated on the basis of number of each eligible student. Each PEVS-KG is expected to spend the designated part of the voucher on professional upgrading of teachers and principals in the following three areas in order of priority:

(i)   course fee reimbursement;

(ii)  appointment of supply teachers to substitute for teachers on training course; and/or

(iii) provision of school-based professional development programmes.

The appointment of supply teachers is accorded the second priority among the three specific areas. Under the prerequisite that the principal and teachers have worked out their mutually agreed staff development plan and have secured adequate amount of money for course fee reimbursement, the kindergarten can use the staff professional development subsidy to appoint supply teachers to relieve the workload of those teachers attending the approved training courses. KGs are not allowed to use the staff development subsidy to appoint additional teaching or supporting staff other than for the above purpose.




If a serving teacher is allowed to attend full-time course by the serving KG, will the teacher be eligible for course fee reimbursement?




The course fee of pre-service ECE training should be borne by student themselves. And the staff professional development subsidy under the PEVS is specifically designed for serving teachers. Serving teachers for kindergarten classes, if attending courses on the approved course list, will be eligible for course fee reimbursement. In case of any special circumstances, the KG should specify clearly in the staff development plan submitted annually for individual consideration.


First version in March 2007