1. What is the rationale behind the "through-train" mode?
The rationale behind the "through-train" mode is to strengthen collaboration between primary and secondary schools having the same philosophy and aspiration for education. It aims to enhance continuity in curriculum, strengthen the school’s understanding of and support for its students, alleviate students’ adaptation problems upon their promotion to the secondary school and realize the principle of "not giving up on any student".
2. What are modes of linkage for "through-train" schools?
Modes of linkage for "through-train" schools are as follows:
To facilitate close collaboration between the linked primary and secondary schools, it is considered more appropriate and feasible to adopt the "one-to-one" mode. As a matter of fact, almost all "through-train" schools adopt this mode.
3. How can aided and government schools form "through-train" schools?
Aided and government primary and secondary schools complying with the following three principles are invited to apply to the Education Bureau for permission to adopt the "through-train" mode:
4. Can aided and government "through-train" schools discontinue their linkage?
Schools concerned should have undergone thorough consideration before making the school-based decision of adopting the "through-train" mode. They should have commitment to provide students with coherent learning experiences. Therefore, delinkage should not be an imprudent decision made by the school. In such situation, the "through-train" schools must first seek advice from the respective Senior School Development Officers on matters they need to consider and handle, including consulting all parents and teachers and addressing their concerns; and ensuring that the education service provided will not be affected. The schools must also ensure that students studying in or having been admitted to the "through-train" primary school can still choose to proceed direct to the linked secondary school through the "through-train" S1 admission arrangement. In order that parents who wish to apply for a P.1 place in the primary school concerned in the coming primary one admission cycle are informed of the delinkage decision, schools should submit detailed delinkage arrangements in writing to the Education Bureau by the end of March in the preceding year of the planned delinkage. The effective date of delinkage is subject to the decision of the Education Bureau.
5. Can Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) / private schools form "through-train" schools?
DSS / Private schools can establish reasonable and professionally sound criteria for recruitment and admission of students which are consistent with the tradition and educational objectives of individual schools. In this connection, if DSS / private secondary schools concur with the rationale of "through-train", they are free to adopt the "through-train" mode together with other schools with the same philosophy and aspiration for education.