The Education Bureau cordially invites you to apply for the Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) positions.
NETs are required to teach English as a second language to Hong Kong students and assist in teacher and curriculum development in public-sector secondary schools (for students aged between 12 and 19) and schools for students with special educational needs.
The applicant should be a native-speaker of English or possess native-speaker English competence ^.
Preference will be given to applicants with experience in teaching English as a second/foreign language.
For appointment in special schools, preference will be given to applicants who have special education training and/or experience in teaching students with special educational needs.
Appointment of NETs should be considered according to the following order of priority:
Category 1 (to be appointed at Graduate Master/Mistress (GM) rank, MPS pt. 15-33)
Category 2 (to be appointed at GM rank, MPS pt. 15-33)
In the event that candidates meeting the requirements in Category 1 - 2 cannot be recruited, consideration may be given to appoint teachers with the following qualifications:
Category 3 (to be appointed at GM rank, MPS pt. 15-33)
Category 4 (to be appointed at GM rank, MPS pt. 15-33)
Category 5 (to be appointed at GM rank, MPS pt. 15-33)
Category 6 (to be appointed at GM rank, MPS pt. 15-33, with salary bar at MPS pt. 20)
Category 7 (to be appointed at GM rank, MPS pt. 15-33, with salary bar at MPS pt. 20)
Requirements of TEFL/TESL qualification for appointment of NETs:
Candidates who are considered for appointment but possess non-local qualifications need to have their qualifications assessed by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) as to whether their qualifications are comparable to local bachelor’s degrees and local initial teacher training qualifications. The assessment results of the HKCAAVQ shall be final.
^ Native speakers of English are people who acquire the language in infancy and develop the language through adolescence and adulthood within a community where English is spoken as the first language. Native-speaker English competence refers to the ability to use English fluently and spontaneously, to give grammatically accurate responses in communication and to write or speak creatively.
Non-native speakers of English, i.e. people who have not acquired the language in early childhood, are also suitable for employment as NETs if their English competence is not different from that of native-speakers in terms of fluency, accuracy and creativity in language use.
# A degree in Linguistics or Modern Languages should be one in which English is the major language studied.
The appointment of a NET will be on a two-year contract basis normally starting in mid-August and ending in mid-August two years later, subject to renewal after expiry.
The salary scale of GM rank, i.e. MPS Pt. 15 to 33, is from HK$35,080 to HK$81,510 (approx. US$4,497* to US$10,450*) per month. Those without a local PGDE or equivalent will not be permitted to proceed beyond a salary bar at MPS Pt. 20, HK$44,765 (approx. US$5,739*) per month.
The salary and the conditions of service to be offered are subject to the candidate's qualifications and post-qualification teaching experience as well as the prevailing conditions at the time the offer of appointment is made.
15% gratuity less the amount of employers’ contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme will be granted if your performance and conduct during the period of service have been satisfactory.
NETs, who have served two years of continuous service and are in the third and fourth years of continuous service, are eligible to apply for receiving a retention incentive at 5% of current base salary, on top of their current base salary for the third and fourth years of service. NETs, who have served four years of continuous service and are in the fifth year of service onwards, are eligible to apply for a retention incentive at 10% of current base salary, on top of their current base salary for the fifth year of service onwards.
Passage, baggage, medical allowances and a special allowance of HK$20,989 (approx. US$2,691*) per month are provided for appointees whose normal place of residence is established as outside Hong Kong. (A NET will not be eligible for the Special Allowance if he/she or his/her spouse is already receiving the same allowance or any other housing benefits from his/her own employer. Similarly, a NET will not be eligible for passages, baggage and medical allowance if he/she or his/her spouse is provided with similar benefits by his/her employer.)
* Based on exchange rate HK$7.8 = US$1 (subject to fluctuation).
Applicants applying for the above position for the 2025/26 school year should send in the completed standard application form with supporting documents by post, by fax or in person to the following address by 21 March 2025. Candidates who are shortlisted for interview and written test will be contacted by e-mails. Those who do not receive any such invitation in eight weeks from the closing date for application may assume that their applications are unsuccessful.
NET Administration Team, Education Bureau,
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,
Room W304, 3/F, West Block,
Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre,
19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fax No.: (852) 2349 1398
Download Application Form in PDF Format Online Form
Contact us:
Tel No.: (852) 3698 3926 or (852) 3698 3685
E-mail address:
Further information is available from our web site at
General Notes: