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[Archive] Second School Allocation Exercise 2017




The Second School Allocation Exercise 2017 has started. One new school premises under planning in Shui Chuen O, Sha Tin and two new school premises under planning in Queen’s Hill, Fanling, are open for application by eligible applicant bodies for operating three new aided primary schools.


For press release of the Exercise, please click here.  



Premises Available for Allocation 


For detailed information of the school premises available for allocation, please click here.



Submission of Application


Applicants who are interested in applying for the school premises should follow the procedures below:



Applicant bodies should submit a proposed school plan [NOT MORE THAN 10 PAGES including all annexes] plus a 2-page executive summary.  They may also provide information on the school(s) that they are operating and their respective performance to support their application. 



For the proposed school plan, contents in pages exceeding the page limits (as mentioned in (1) above) would not be considered.



For each complete application, applicant bodies are required to submit the following documents -


(i)  one original copy of the duly completed application form;

(ii) one copy of detailed information on thier eligibility [i.e. incorporation document and certificate of exemption from tax];

(iii) 21 copies each of the proposed school plan, executieve summary and list of operating schools run by the applicant body with addresses and types, together with 2 CD-ROMs containing such information; and

(iv) one copy each of other supporting documents as listed in the Application Form.


The above documents should reach the following address below no later than 5 pm April 27 2017 :


          Infrastructure and Research Support Division
          Education Bureau
          6th Floor, East Wing, Central Government Offices
          2 Tim Mai Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong



Late submission or incomplete applications, as well as application via email, will not be accepted.



Time Schedule




Application Form and Guidance Notes for Application


To download the application form and the guidance notes, please click here.




The invitation for application and submission of detailed school proposal is non-binding in nature.  It does not constitute any kind of offer or the basis of any kind of offer to any party for school allocation, nor does it create any legal obligations on the Government.  It does not prejudice any future scrutiny by the School Allocation Committee/ Government, nor commit them to any course of action including whether or not to approve any allocation at all, irrespective of the number of applications received. Nothing in this invitation shall oblige the Government to allocate the premises to any party at any time.