School Allocation Committee
Terms of Reference
- To draw up criteria for selecting eligible applicants for sponsoring estate kindergartens at estate kindergarten premises under the Hong Kong Housing Authority or the LINK, and other government-owned kindergarten premises as appropriate;
- To draw up criteria for selecting eligible applicants for sponsoring aided schools, non-profit-making Direct Subsidy Scheme schools, or non-profitmaking private schools (such as non-profit-making international schools and Private Independent Schools), to select suitable applicants in accordance with such criteria and to recommend these applicants to the Permanent Secretary for Education for allocation of school sites/premises as appropriate;
- To draw up criteria for selecting existing bi-sessional primary schools for conversion to whole-day operation, to select suitable applicants in accordance with such criteria and to recommend these applicants to the Permanent Secretary for Education for allocation of school sites/premises as appropriate;
- To draw up criteria for selecting existing aided, government, non-profitmaking Direct Subsidy Scheme or non-profit-making private schools (such as non-profit-making international schools and Private Independent Schools) for reprovisioning, to select suitable applicants in accordance with such criteria and to recommend these applicants to the Permanent Secretary for Education for allocation of school sites/premises as appropriate.
Membership List | CHAIRPERSON
| Deputy Secretary for Education (2), Education Bureau Ms Wendy Leung, JP
| Dr Promail Leung Mr Roy Lo Mr Andy Kwok, JP Mr Rex Sham Prof Cindy Sit Ms Susanna Wong
| Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure, International School and Statistics), Education Bureau Mr Andrew Ngan
Principal Assistant Secretary (School Development), Education Bureau Ms Magnolia Leung
Principal Assistant Secretary (Quality Assurance), Education Bureau Ms Joyce Yip
| Principal Assistant Secretary (Special Education), Education Bureau -
Principal Education Officer (Kindergarten Education), Education Bureau Miss Ng Hoi Yan
| Senior Executive Officer (Infrastructure, International School and Statistics)2, Education Bureau Miss Vanessa Cheng
(Updated on 5 March 2025)