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Selection Criteria


In assessing the applications submitted by applicant bodies, quality of education is the prime consideration.  Factors to be considered include:


 1. The school plan submitted by the school sponsoring body.  The following aspects will be assessed:-
  (a)  vision and mission;
  (b)  management and organisation;
  (c)  learning and teaching;
  (d)  school ethos and support for students;
  (e)  performance targets; and
  (f )  self-evaluation indicators.
 2. The operation track record of the school sponsoring body, if available.


Apart from the above assessment criteria, additional factors will be considered for specific types of applications.  For bi-sessional primary schools applying for school premises to achieve whole-day conversion, their enrolment situation of the applicant school will also be taken into account.


As for applications for reprovisioning of existing schools which are housed in substandard premises, the physical conditions of the existing premises will also be considered  (as a general indicator, schools classified as non-feasible under the School Improvement Programme or have benefited marginally from the Programme, with site area less than 3,000 square metres and premises over 30 years old would warrant serious consideration).


Generally speaking, for applications involving an existing school, the locations of the applicant schools (i.e. whether they are currently operating in the same district as the location of the new school premises) will also be taken into account.