The Education Bureau (EDB) has established the Professional Ladder for Teachers in Hong Kong with an aim to promote teachers’ professional growth and enhance teachers’ professional status. It adopts the professional roles of teachers and principals as portrayed in the T-standard+ as the goals for teachers’ professional development, and the three core elements of teachers’ professional growth (including professional competencies; professional values and conduct; and aspiration for self-advancement through self-reflection) as its foundation. With the aspiration to actualise the professional roles of T-standard+, teachers can reflect on their professional growth and formulate professional development plans with regard to their professional stages.
To implement the Professional Ladder, the Education Bureau provides teachers with more systematic and focused professional development opportunities. This is achieved with the provision of the Training Programme for Newly-joined Teachers, and Enhanced Training for In-service Teachers, as well as the enhancement of Training Requirements for Promotion.
Education Bureau Circular No. 6/2020 & Annexes
(Details of the Professional Ladder for Teachers and relevant training are stipulated in paragraphs 9 to 20 of EDB Ciruclar, as well as Annexes 2 to 4)
Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP)
The Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications has been renamed the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP) since 1 June 2013 to further promote the professional development of teachers and principals across the continuum of the teaching profession.
Apart from advising the Government on policies and measures relating to the professional development of the teaching profession at different stages of professional growth, COTAP performs other functions, such as commissioning and/ or conducting educational research, evaluation studies and professional development programmes for both teachers and principals. It also serves as a platform for promoting professional sharing, collaboration and networking with various stakeholders in school management, educational bodies and organisations.
For more information, please visit COTAP website.
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