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Chapter 2: Academic Vocabulary

2b: Subject-specific Words and Technical Terms

Subject-specific words and technical terms are words related to content knowledge and key concepts of different subjects. Here are some examples:

Personal, Social & Humanities Education Subjects Renaissance, totalitarianism, universal suffrage, plebiscite, Gini coefficient, expansionary monetary policy, Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Science Education Subjects photosynthesis, electromagnetism, genetic polymorphism, thermodynamics

Words commonly used in everyday life may have very different and specific meanings in the contexts of other subjects. Here are some examples:

Words General English Meanings Subject-specific & Technical Meanings
appreciation (n.) recognition of the good qualities of someone or something In Economics:
(n.) an increase in value (as in currency appreciation)
mean (v.) to express an idea
(adj.) not kind
In Mathematics:
(n.) the average
class (n.) a group of students who are taught together at school In History and Economics:
(n.) a group of people in a society who have the same social and/or economic position

In Biology:
(n.) a group of plants or animals with similar biological characteristics


  • a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung together

  • responsive to changes in other economic factors

  • malware programmes that are able to replicate themselves and spread to other computers

  • a particular area of study

  • a group of similar organisms and species living in a particular area

  • the elevation and shape of land

 Activity 3

Decide which of the two meanings should be adopted for the underlined words in the following sentences.

  • The modern generation of composers discarded traditional ideas of melody and harmony.

    a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung together

    a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other

  • Luxury goods tend to have a more elastic demand and are more sensitive to price changes.

    capable of returning to original size and shape after being stretched or compressed

    responsive to changes in other economic factors

  • Worms are often transmitted through vulnerabilities in software. They can also be sent through instant messages or spam emails.

    creeping limbless animals with a tube-like body

    malware programmes that are able to replicate themselves and spread to other computers

  • Biomedical engineering is a new discipline which is closely related to science, engineering, medicine and biology.

    a particular area of study

    the ability to control yourself or other people, even in difficult situations

  • The current decrease in Africa’s elephant population is due to illegal poaching and the increasing demand for ivory products.

    all the people living in a particular area

    a group of similar organisms and species living in a particular area

  • Climate and relief impact on the soil formation and vegetation growth of a place.

    a feeling of comfort or ease

    the elevation and shape of land