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Chapter 5: Paragraph Structure

5c: Topic Sentences

One paragraph typically focuses on one key idea and consists of three elements: a topic sentence, (a) supporting sentence(s), and sometimes a concluding sentence.

A topic sentence tells the reader the focus and key idea of a paragraph and usually appears at the beginning of a paragraph to signal to the reader what the paragraph is about, but it is also possible for a topic sentence to appear anywhere in a paragraph. For some text types (e.g. stories, interviews, feature articles), topic sentences may not be a salient feature.

 Activity 4

Choose the appropriate topic sentences (A, B and C) to complete the paragraphs.

Topic Sentences
A Only with concerted efforts and prompt action can the problem of obesity be resolved.
B Obesity has damaging effects on our physical and mental health.
C Unhealthy diets and lack of physical activity are the fundamental causes of obesity.
Obesity – a Ticking Time Bomb in Hong Kong
(1) In an affluent city like Hong Kong, obesity is believed to be caused by the popularity of fast food, which is mainly high in saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and carbohydrates. While genetic factors may have a role to play, the more sedentary lifestyle is another major factor leading to rising obesity rates. According to official statistics, approximately 60% of Hong Kong people did not meet the level of physical activity suggested by WHO, i.e. 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.
(2) Obesity causes a lot of chronic illnesses, which include strokes, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Obese people are also said to be at a higher risk of suffering from some cancers, for example, breast, bowel and pancreatic cancers. They tend to have lower self-esteem and are more likely to develop emotional problems such as anxiety and depression.
Who should be responsible for preventing obesity in the future? The government should step up efforts to educate the public about healthy lifestyle. Schools should revamp their existing curriculum to enhance nutrition and physical education. For restaurants and food producers, they should be monitored to ensure the reduced use of unhealthy ingredients and cooking methods in food production. (3)