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Chapter 6: Common Academic Text Structures

6d: Problem and Solution

ii) Coherence

(a) Expressions indicating problems and solutions

Some phrases and expressions help to connect ideas within and across paragraphs in texts involving the use of the "problem and solution" structure. Examples are provided in the table:

Purposes Expressions
to point out the problems
  • The first/second/third problem of (issue/situation) is
  • Another problem is
  • is a major/main problem of (issue/situation).
  • (Issue/situation) may cause/lead to/bring about/result in
to suggest solutions
  • To solve/alleviate/handle/deal with/cope with/address the problem, …
  • One way to solve this problem is
  • Another solution to the problem is
to sum up main ideas
  • In conclusion/In summary/In short,
  • To conclude/To sum up,

Notes: Noun phrases should be used in to talk about the problems and solutions. Noun phrases or that-clauses can be used in to talk about the problems and solutions.

(b) Transitional sentence

A transitional sentence is a sentence which serves as a bridge to connect the section on problems and the section on solutions in the main body parts. The transitional sentence usually points out the severity of the problem and the urgent need for actions. Below is an example:

With the rapid and alarming increase in obesity rates among children in the city, it is essential to take prompt actions to combat the problem.

 Activity 9

  1. Identify from Texts A and B respectively one expression used to point out a problem:

    Text A Text B
  2. Identify an expression used to suggest solutions in Text A.

  3. Identify an expression used to sum up main ideas in Text B.

  4. Identify the transitional sentence to link up the part on problems and the part on solutions in Text B.

  5. Identify three nouns which have a similar meaning to "problem(s)" or suggest "problem(s)" from Text A.

  6. Identify three nouns which have a similar meaning to "solution(s)" or suggest "solution(s)" from Text B.