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甲. 香港小班教學研究報告(只備英文版)



乙. 其他報告/刊物


Alexander, R (2004) Towards Dialogic Teaching: Rethinking Classroom Talk, Cambridge: Dialogus UK.

Assessment Reform Group (1999) Assessment for Learning: Beyond the Black Box, Cambridge: University of Cambridge School of Education.

Assessment Reform Group (2002) Assessment for Learning: 10 principles, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Faculty of Education.

Battistich, V & Watson, M (2003) "Development in Preschool & Early Grades" in Gillies, R & Ashman, A [Eds] Cooperative Learning, London: Routledge Falmer.

Black, P & Wiliam, D (1998) Inside the Black Box: raising standards through assessment, London: Kings College School of Education.

Black, P et. al. (2003) Assessment for Learning: Putting it into practice, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Blatchford, P (2003) The Class Size Debate: Is small better?  Maidenhead, UK. Open University Press.

Craft, Anna (2000) Creativity across the primary curriculum, London: Routledge.

Connor, C [Ed] (1999) Assessment in Action in the Primary School, London: Falmer Press.

Davidson Neil (1990) Cooperative learining in mathematics: a handbook for teachers, Menolo Park, Calif.: Addison-Wesley Pub

Dunne, E & Bennett, (1990) Talking and Learning in Groups, London: Macmillan.

Finn, J et. al. (2003) 'The "Why's" of Class Size: Student Behaviour in Small Classes', Review of Educational Research, 73 (3): 321-368.

Galton, M & Williamson, J (1992) Groupwork in the Primary Classroom, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Galton, M [Ed] (1998) 'Class Size and Pupil Achievement', Special Edition International Journal of Educational Research, 29 (8).

Gregory, G H & Chapman, C (2002) Differentiated Instructional Strategies : one size doesn't fit all, Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press, Inc.

Hastings, N (1995) "Seats of Learning", Support for Learning, 10 (1) pp. 8-11.

Jacobs, G. M., Power, M. A. & Inn, L W (2002) The teacher's sourcebook for cooperative learning, Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press

Jacobs, George M., Power, Michael A., Loh Wan Inn (譯者:楊寧 盧楊) (2005) The teacher's Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning(合作學習的教師指南),中國輕工業出版社

Jensen Eric (1998) Teaching with the brain in mind, Alexandria, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Jensen Eric (2000) Brain-Based Learning, The Brain Store (San Diego, CA USA)

Johnson, David W and Johnson, Roger T (1991) Learning Mathematics and Cooperative Learning lesson plans for teachers, Edina, Minn: Interaction Book Company.

Johnson, David W (1994) Cooperative learning in the classroom, Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Johnson, D W & Johnson, R (1999) Learning together and alone: cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning, Boston : Allyn and Bacon

Johnson, D & Johnson, F (2000) Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Langrehr, J (1993) Better questions better thinking, Melbourne : Longman Cheshire Pty Limited

Mercer, N (2000) Words and Minds: How we use language to think together, London: Routledge.

Nordlund, M (2003) Differentiated instruction : meeting the educational needs of all students in your classroom., Maryland : The scarecrow Press, Inc. (LB1031.N64 2003)

Nye, B et. al. (2000) "The Effects of Class Size on Academic Achievement: The results of the Tennessee class size experiment" American Educational Research Journal, 37 (1): 123-151.

Race, P (2000) 500 tips on Group Learning,London: Kogan Page.

Slavin, R (1995) Cooperative Learning, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Slavin, R E (1995) Cooperative learning : theory, research and practice, Boston : Allyn and Bacon

Sternber, R J and Zhang, L F (2005) "Styles of thinking as a basis of differentiated instruction", Theory into Practice, 44(3), 245-253

Sylva, K (1993) The Impact of Early Education on Children's Development, Current Research in early Childhood, Update No. 60, London OMEP.

Tomlinson, C A (1997) Differentiating Instruction: facilitator's guide, Alexandria, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Tomlinson, C A (1999) The differentiated classroom: responding to the needs of all learners, Alexandria, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Tomlinson, C A (2001) How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms, Alexandria, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Tomlinson, C A (2003) Fulfilling and promised of the differentiated classroom: strategies and tools for responsive teaching, Alexandria, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Wallace, B (2002) Teaching thinking skills across the early years: a practical approach for children aged 4-7, London : David Fulton Publishers

Walsh, J A and Sattes, B (2005) Quality questioning: research-based practice to engage every learner, Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press

Watkins, C (2003) Learning: A sense-makers guide, London: Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).

Watkins, C (2005) Classrooms as Learning Communities: What's in it for Schools? London: Routledge/Falmer.

Weikart, D (1987) "Curriculum Quality in Early Education in Kagen", S & Zigler, E. [Eds] Early Schooling: The national debate, New Haven Conn: Yale University Press.

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毛放 (2003) 小班化教育, 上海教育出版社

約翰朗格爾著,胡駿譯 (2001) 教孩子學會思考, 西安:陝西師範大學出版社

張玉成 (1999) 教師發問技巧, 台北:心理出版社

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教育統籌局 (2004) 照顧學生個別差異:共融校園指標 學校自我評估和發展的工具

教育統籌局課程發展處 評鑑、評估及計畫組 (2004) 個別差異發展及研究報告系列:中期報告 跨級編組, 教育統籌局

教育統籌局課程發展處 評鑑、評估及計畫組 (2004) 個別差異發展及研究報告系列:中期報告 運用資訊科技照顧個別差異, 教育統籌局

教育統籌局課程發展處 評鑑、評估及計畫組 (2004) 個別差異發展及研究報告系列:中期報告 利用個別差異建立學習群體, 教育統籌局

教育統籌局課程發展處 評鑑、評估及計畫組 (2004) 個別差異發展及研究報告系列:中期報告 照顧個別差異-從"差異"開始, 教育統籌局

教育統籌局課程發展處 評鑑、評估及計畫組 (2004) 個別差異發展及研究報告系列:中期報告 一個都不能少 小學生在中、英、數三科學習動機與模式, 教育統籌局

馮克誠 (1999) 小學教師課堂教學設計實用手冊, 呼和浩特:內蒙古大學出版社

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蔣莉 劉力 (2003) "新班級教育"的實踐探索, 中國工人出版社

丙. 相關網站


Project STAR (Student Teacher Achievement Ratio)
A large-scale, four-year, experimental study of reduced class size conducted by HEROS, Inc. in U.S.
U.S. Department of Education
Research paper on reducing class size
Education World
The Cooperative Learning Center at The University of Minnesota