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Chapter 3: Useful Sentence Structures and Language for Academic Writing

3d: Adjective Phrases and Clauses

Relative pronouns with fronted prepositions

A relative clause may contain a preposition with the relative pronoun serving as the object of the preposition. In informal English, the preposition is usually placed at the end of the relative clause while in more formal academic contexts, the preposition is usually put before the relative clause.

Less Formal More Formal
Samuel Morse sent his first public telegraph message on 24 May 1844. The picture shows the apparatus which he sent the message with. Samuel Morse sent his first public telegraph message on 24 May 1844. The picture shows the apparatus with which he sent the message.

 Activity 10

Read the following sentences and decide where the prepositions should be best placed ((a), (b), or (c)) to suit the academic contexts.

e.g. in

(a) New York City is the place (b) which you can find almost all the big businesses (c).

Answer: (b)

1. with

  • It is the software (a) which people use to edit (b) videos (c).
  • Answer:

2. during

  • (a) Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, (b) which almost all adult Muslims fast (c) from dawn to sunset.
  • Answer: