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Fostering industry-institution collaboration and diversified development for promoting vocational and professional education and training

Mr Esmond Lee
Deputy Secretary for Education

     The Government has all along been committed to providing students with diversified and high-quality education and promoting whole-person development, thereby allowing students to choose their own articulation pathways and join different industries according to their interests and abilities, so as to equip them to become pillars of society and contribute to the country. Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) has long been an integral part of the education system in Hong Kong. Through VPET, the Government provides a high-quality and diversified pathway with multiple entry and exit points to young people, enabling them to attain the skills and knowledge required by society and the workplace, and laying the foundation for them to pursue further studies, career development and lifelong learning.


     The Government adopts the strategy of fostering industry‑institution collaboration and diversified development, and a multi-pronged approach to further promote VPET as a pathway parallel to conventional academic education, providing diversified learning and employment opportunities for young people. In this regard, the Government introduced a series of measures at different levels including secondary and post-secondary levels in the Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address and the 2023-24 Budget, so as to strengthen the connections between the industries and the education sector, establish a more comprehensive VPET progression pathway, and enable students to have an early and organised exposure to VPET and to learn about the multiple pathways and opportunities of VPET.


Launching second batch of applied degrees to nurture high-quality VPET talent


     Regarding the post-secondary education, to strengthen the positioning of VPET at the degree level, we launched the Pilot Project on Development of Applied Degree Programmes (Pilot Project) in 2020, aiming to explore ways to promote the development of applied degree programmes in an effective manner, gain experience in the practical issues involved in the development of the programmes and to assess the implications for the higher education system as a whole. In comparison with conventional academic degrees, the Qualifications Framework Level of applied degree qualifications is also pitched at Level 5. The distinct features of applied degree programmes include a focus on nurturing applied skills, blending theory and practice, and providing internships and work-based learning experience to prepare graduates for working in specific industries. There is also strong involvement and support from the industries in the design and delivery of applied degree programmes, as well as recognition by the relevant trades and industries. More flexible admission arrangements are also adopted for the programmes, taking into account relevant factors apart from academic results.


     We have been glad to receive positive feedback from different stakeholders on the first round of the Pilot Project. The relevant programmes cover four disciplines with keen manpower demand, namely nursing; testing and certification; horticulture, arboriculture and landscape management; and gerontology, which were successfully launched in the 2022/23 academic year to help address the manpower needs of these industries. To further review and foster the development of applied degrees, we have announced the launch of the second round of the Pilot Project and invited eligible institutions to submit proposals. We will select programmes with stronger industry elements and of industries with keen manpower demand, and accord priority to those industries not covered by the existing four applied degree programmes as appropriate. We will work with the consultant of the Pilot Project, namely the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), to provide assistance to institutions, with a view to launching the relevant programmes in the 2024/25 academic year at the earliest, and will also review the outcome and experience of the Pilot Project.


Updating guidelines on sub-degree education to enhance positioning of Higher Diploma in VPET pathway


     On the other hand, we have also concluded the Review of Sub-degree Education. The Review aimed to more sharply differentiate between the positioning of the two sub-degree qualifications, namely the Higher Diploma (HD), which is of a more applied nature, and the Associate Degree (AD), which is of a more generic nature; and to enhance the positioning of HD in the VPET pathway. During the Review, we conducted a series of research and consultations together with the HKCAAVQ, including studying the practices and experiences of selected overseas jurisdictions, arranging a number of dialogue sessions, and conducting an extensive consultation with stakeholders, including providers of sub-degree programmes; representatives from different industries; secondary school principals and teachers; parents; representatives from industry associations; the Panel on Education of the Legislative Council; and representatives of key advisory bodies. We are glad that the stakeholders are supportive of the key policy directions of the Review, indicating unanimous support for a sharper differentiation between AD and HD qualifications.   


     To implement the outcome of the Review, we have updated the Revised Common Descriptors for AD and HD programmes (Common Descriptors), which serve as the guidelines for the development and operation of AD and HD programmes, and promulgated them today ( ). Overall speaking, the updated Common Descriptors sharpen the differentiation between AD and HD and enhance the two qualifications in a holistic manner, thereby enabling our society to have clearer and more realistic expectations of them. Among others, the position of HD qualifications serving as a main pillar in the VPET pathway will be strengthened. HD programme providers should allow graduates to build a solid foundation and acquire specialised knowledge and skills for either immediate employment at the para-professional level or articulation to specialised degrees. HD programmes should give due recognition to relevant learning and working experience (e.g. by giving bonus points for the results of the Applied Learning subjects in secondary schools), and be more inclusive to allow in-service and experienced applicants to be admitted through the Recognition of Prior Learning mechanism and credit accumulation and transfer arrangements. Moreover, engagement of and recognition by industries should be sought. HD programmes should adopt work-based learning, project-based learning, etc. to help students familiarise themselves with real-world situations.


Increasing admission quotas to support multiple progression pathways


     To encourage institutions to admit students with more diverse backgrounds, including those with non-academic achievements, and provide them with further articulation opportunities, we, together with the HKCAAVQ, have reviewed and decided to increase the quotas for institutions to admit applicants on special considerations to sub-degree and degree programmes that are subject to accreditation by the HKCAAVQ with effect from the 2023/24 academic year. The quota levels for local sub-degree and degree programmes will be adjusted from 5% of the total intake on a programme basis and 3% on an institutional basis to 15% and 10% respectively; and the quota level for relevant non-local programmes will be adjusted from 5% of the total intake on a programme basis to 10% (Note). We, together with the HKCAAVQ, will continue to closely monitor the implementation to ensure that the quality of programmes complies with the accreditation standards.


     We believe that the above measures will further strengthen the VPET progression pathway, thereby nurturing more high-quality talent for Hong Kong and supporting young people to realise their potential in accordance with their aspirations.


(Note: non-local degree programmes are offered through a partnership comprising a local operator and a non-local degree-granting institution, hence there is only a quota on a programme basis, while the quota on an institutional basis is not applicable.)


4 July 2023