The Education Bureau (EDB) maintains lists of suppliers of goods and related services for quotation invitation.
Application for inclusion in the EDB Supplier Lists is free of charge. Any firm wished to be included in these lists may apply by completing an application form. Please send the completed form together with the necessary supporting documents to the Education Bureau for the attention of Supplies Officer (Procurement) at Room 1510, 15/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Application form for inclusion in the EDB Supplier Lists and the related documents are available for downloading :
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If a firm wishes to be included in the EDB Supplier Lists through online application, it can submit on-line application form "Application Form for Inclusion in the EDB Supplier Lists (EDB 44)" and the necessary supporting documents through the following website/system:
Applications received will be processed by EDB. Subject to confirmation of their credentials, those firms that are found acceptable will be included in the EDB Supplier Lists. The EDB Supplier Lists will be reviewed from time to time. EDB reserves the right to decide whether a supplier can remain in the Lists or be removed from the Lists without prior notice or compensation. In this connection, suppliers have to demonstrate that they are able to offer competitive quotations and/or to complete the order(s) or contract(s) awarded to them satisfactorily.
Suppliers in the EDB Supplier Lists will be invited to quote for the supply of goods or related services, for which they have been included as suppliers, as and when opportunities arise.
Enquiries relating to general quotation matters:
Supplies Officer (Procurement)
Education Bureau
Room 1510, 15/F, Wu Chung House,
213 Queen’s Road East,
Hong Kong.
Tel. No.: (852)2892 6215
Fax No.: (852)2891 0652
E-mail :
Enquiries relating to application for inclusion in the EDB Supplier Lists:
Assistant Supplies Officer
Education Bureau
Room 1510, 15/F, Wu Chung House,
213 Queen’s Road East,
Hong Kong.
Tel. No.: (852)2892 6213
Fax No.: (852)2891 0652
E-mail :
Commodity Groups that firms may apply