Following is a question by Dr the Hon Ho Chung-tai and a written reply by the Secretary for Education and Manpower, Professor Arthur K C Li, in the Legislative Council today (April 9):
It has been reported that the Education and Manpower Bureau will launch a pilot scheme in September this year for senior form students of mainstream secondary schools. Under the pilot scheme, the Vocational Training Council and Caritas Adult and Higher Education Service will offer a total of 12 career-oriented courses to some 300 students. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council of:
(a) the contents of these courses and the courses which are expected to be most popular, as well as the respective numbers of attendance hours required for completing individual courses;
(b) the differences between these courses and similar courses provided by other private organisations; and
(c) the ways to publicise the pilot scheme to students?
Reply :
Madam President,
(a) The 12 piloting courses of the Career Oriented Diversified Curriculum (the Curriculum) and their respective course content and providers are set out in Annex (PDF format).
The curriculum time for each of the Courses 1 to 10 is 180 hours whereas that for each of the Courses 11 to 12 is 150 hours. Students could complete their selected course(s) within their Secondary 4 and 5 studies.
Each of the 12 courses stated in Annex has its own characteristics to meet the diverse interests and learning needs of students. Further information on the popularity of these courses would be available upon the completion of student application procedures in end June 2003.
(b) Compared with courses provided by other private organisations of similar nature, the 12 piloting courses have the following characteristics:
(1) The piloting courses are specially designed for Secondary 4 and 5 students to cater for their interests and learning needs.
(2) The curriculum time for the piloting courses ranges from 150 ¡V 180 hours, which is similar to the curriculum time of one existing Secondary 4 & 5 subject.
(3) Upon completion of any of the piloting courses satisfactorily, students will receive qualifications from the institutions concerned. Credits will also be given if they pursue further studies in the same field with the same institution. The qualifications acquired could also help students prepare for their future work.
(c) The Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB) and the course providers have arranged and will arrange a series of activities to promote these courses to students, which include:
(1) The EMB has held a media briefing on 18 March 2003 to introduce the concept of the Curriculum and the details of the piloting course to the public.
(2) The course-providers have prepared an information leaflet on each course for students' reference. A website would also be set up by the course-providers to provide updated information on the piloting courses.
(3) The EMB will hold a briefing session in late April or early May 2003 to introduce to all heads of secondary schools and teachers the concept of the Curriculum and the details of the piloting courses, so that they could promote the Curriculum, and provide advice to the students.
(4) The course-providers will arrange a series of workshops in early May 2003 for teachers and students to familiarise them with the content and arrangement of the piloting courses.
End/Wednesday, April 9, 2003