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International Congress on Educational Futures 2024 Opening Remarks by Ms Michelle LI, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education

Ms Michelle Li, JP
Permanent Secretary for Education
International Congress on Educational Futures 2024
Opening Remarks by Ms Michelle LI, JP,
Permanent Secretary for Education
23 April 2024 (Tuesday)


Ms Imma Ling, Prof John LEE, Prof May CHENG, distinguished keynote speakers, honourable guests, ladies and gentlemen,


    Good morning.  It gives me great pleasure to join you all today at the International Congress on Educational Futures 2024 (ICEF 2024).  First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to The Education University of Hong Kong for organising this significant event that brings together distinguished academics and renowned experts from around the world to discuss a topic dear to our heart -- the future of education. 

2.   Education is the key to our future. Hong Kong has always attached great importance to education.  Around one out of five dollars Hong Kong Government spent is dedicated to education.  I am privileged to say that Hong Kong is acclaimed to be the only city with five universities in the world’s top 100.  In the education discipline, two of our universities including the Education University of Hong Kong are among the top 20 in the world, with another one among the top 10.  But it is not ranking per se, but internationalisation and quality that underpin the ranking, that we treasure most.  Hong Kong, as a cosmopolitan city with global connectivity and strong support from our nation, has the distinctive advantage and aspiration to develop as an international hub for higher education and networking.  Collaboration with different parts of the world is ingrained in our culture.  Extending the local, national and global networks with industries and communities, Hong Kong attracts prominent scholars and young talents from different countries.  Our openness, inclusivity and diversity create a vibrant and favourable environment to support the global learning community.  In tandem, Hong Kong actively integrates into the overall development of the country, particularly contributing to “invigorating China through science and education”, the National Five-year Plan, the Greater Bay Area Development and the Belt and Road initiatives, which greatly deepen our connection and collaboration with the prestigious Mainland and overseas institutions that create the impetus for Hong Kong’s growth. 

3.   I am excited to see that the topics covered in this congress, such as AI and STEAM Education, New Humanities Education, Values Education, Teacher Conduct and Well-being, are all at the forefront of our education agenda, and of paramount importance to nurturing talents and strengthening our teaching force for the betterment of education. We believe that these discussions will provide compelling strategic directions and identify the best pedagogies to promote students’ whole-person development for growth, transformation and future challenges.  The next generation should be equipped with not only the attitude, knowledge and skills for present-day needs, but also trans-disciplinary aptitude, future-readiness and employability in preparation for the rapid and ever-changing societal needs for sustainable development.  The Government is committed to enriching the whole-person development and character building for our younger generation, nurturing our future leaders with global perspective, an affection for the country and Hong Kong, a strong sense of integrity, law-abidingness, civic responsibility, work ethics and mutual respect.

4.   I believe the insights from the participants will provide valuable knowledge and guidance in preparing our students and educators for the ever-changing world. I wish the ICEF 2024 a resounding success, and all of participants a fruitful and memorable experience.  To all our Mainland and overseas guests who have travelled to Hong Kong for the convention, I would like to welcome you again and wish you a fruitful stay in Hong Kong.  Thank you.