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Speech by Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP Secretary for Education At the Kick-off ceremony of 40th Anniversary Celebration cum Opening of the Ceramic Wall of Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School

Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, Secretary for Education

Speech by Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP

Secretary for Education

At the Kick-off ceremony of 40th Anniversary

Celebration cum Opening of the Ceramic Wall

of Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School

on 19 October 2018 (Friday) 2:00 pm



Mr. Kong (Principal), Mr. Chan, Mr. Tsang, Dr. Lam, distinguished guests, parents, teachers and students,


             It is my honour to join you at this kick-off ceremony of the 40th Anniversary Celebration cum Opening of the Ceramic Mural, which marks an important milestone for Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School.


             Back in the 1970s, there was a severe shortfall of secondary school places in Yuen Long. With the donation of the late Mr. Chiu Lut Sau, this school was finally founded in 1979 and named as "Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School".  


             The school motto – "Wisdom", "Virtue", "Honesty" and "Progress" indeed speaks for itself the contributions of the school in nurturing students to be wise, caring, honest, responsible and upright young leaders who would strive for improvement in every respect. I am impressed by what the school has been offering to students in terms of its diversified curriculum including the promotion of career and life planning education, a wide range of extra-curricular activities, and most importantly, a caring environment which has served as a cradle for numerous bright and confident individuals with broad horizons and positive attitudes. It is also noteworthy that the school has cultivated a rich reading culture over the years, which boosted students’ reading interest and abilities. Through the diversified learning activities both inside and outside the classroom, students’ potentials are stretched to the fullest.


            The Government is committed to supporting schools in providing quality education for students in Hong Kong and has invested considerable resources in education in recent years. As announced in the 2018 Policy Address last week, the Government will provide schools with a new recurrent Life-wide Learning Grant, with an annual provision of $900 million, starting from the 2019/20 school year to better support schools in taking forward life-wide learning with enhanced efforts through organising more out-of-classroom and experiential learning activities in various curriculum areas such as humanities, STEM education, physical and aesthetic development and moral and civic education.


             Parents also play an important role in the learning of their children. Through home-school cooperation, parents and teachers together could nurture children to grow up healthily and happily. Therefore, in the Policy Address, we have also announced an increase of recurrent funding by about $30 million so that additional resources can be provided to parent-teacher associations and their federations for more activities.


             The 40th Anniversary marks the milestone of the school’s development and its contributions to education. On this auspicious occasion, I wish to congratulate the school on its successful delivery of quality education in the past decades. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the School Management Committee, Principal, and the professional teaching team for the concerted efforts in nurturing our next generation who are ready to make significant contributions to the community. Building on its strengths and firm foundation, I am sure Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School will continue to flourish in the decades to come. Lastly, may I also wish all of you good health and happiness. Thank you.