Gifted Education Fund: Off-school Advanced Learning Programmes (Past programmes)
To unleash the potential of gifted students, a variety of off-school advanced learning programmes funded by the Gifted Education Fund have been organised for gifted students at primary and secondary levels since 2019/20 school year.
Highlights of past programmes : 
Gifted Education Fund: Off-school Advanced Learning Programmes Compendium: 
2019/20 school year
Creative Mathematics and Computer Science Learning for Gifted Students: Mentorship and International STEM Programme
Human Robot Interaction Design
Scientific Training and Mentoring for STEM Talents
Advanced Talent Education Programmes for Gifted Students in Hong Kong
2020/21 school year
Big Energy Data Collection and Analysis of Domestic Electric Energy Consumption
Tomorrow’s Leaders in Hong Kong Testing and Certification (T&C) Industry
AIoT Coding and Engineering Skills Education for Gifted Students
A Programme to Develop Gifted Students’ Ability to Conduct Interdisciplinary Inquiry Related to Education, Environment and/or Science
Entrepreneurial STEM Programme
Too Small to Be Taken Seriously: Bacteria and Infections
Hong Kong in Depth: Innovative Media Production and Cultural Research Programme for Gifted Students
Urban Ecology x GIS: Talent Education Programmes for Gifted Students
Learn Microfluidics with Fun
To Learn AI-based Real Problems Solving Skills in a Playful Environment for Gifted Students
Nurturing Gifted Students to Be Entrepreneurs in STEM Industry
Maritime History and Curating
Linguistic Training and Internship for Gifted Students
2021/22 school year
Mastering AI Skills through Gamification
Hong Kong Insect Ecology Programme for Gifted Students
Hong Kong in Depth: Creative Tourism and Media Production Programme for Gifted Primary Students
Engaging Gifted Students in Inquiry to Meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Proposed by the United Nations Foundation
Mathematical Exploration and Modelling for Gifted Students in Hong Kong Junior Secondary Schools
You Light up My Life - Visualisation and Automation of Colorimetric Data Analysis
AIoT Coding, Engineering and Entrepreneurial (AIoT CE2) Skills Education for Gifted Students
Developing Students’ Innovation Competency through Advanced STEM Learning Experience
Quantum Computing for Gifted Students
Engaging with Urban History to Promote Deep Learning: Thinking, Seeing and Reading the Built Environment in Hong Kong and Beyond
Junior Historian Programme
Multilingual Communication Training and Cross-cultural Communication Course for Future Leaders
Nurturing Gifted Students to be Entrepreneurs: Solving Business Problems with STEM knowledge
Become a STEM Founder: Guide to Startup Success
2022/23 school year
Personalised Storybook Writers Incubation Programme
Cultural Innovation Using Creative AI Technologies
Future Inventor Nurture Programme
Hong Kong Marine Ecology Programme for Gifted Students
Developing Primary Students’ STEAM Career Interest
Mathematical Exploration and Modelling for Gifted Students in Hong Kong Primary Schools
Quantum Computing for Gifted Students
Hong Kong in Arts: Creative Arts Technology and Cultural Inheritance Programme for Gifted Students
Nurturing Future Leaders and Researchers in Economics and Finance
Advanced Physics Enrichment EXperience (APEX)
Coding, Cryptography and FinTech (CCF) Skills Education for Gifted Students
2023/24 school year
AI for Chinese Culture and History
AI Personalised English Storybook Writers Incubation Programme
Nature-based Solutions - Hong Kong Forest Ecology and Carbon Neutrality Programme for Gifted Students
Incubation Programme for Students in Innovation and Aerospace
Strategies to Tackle Climate Change Challenges as STEAM Professionals
Cultivating English Language and Digital Literacies for Future Leaders
Quantum Quest: Practical Experience for Gifted Students
Empowering Gifted Minds: Nurturing the Next Generation of Data Scientists
The Scientist-entrepreneur: Nurturing Gifted Students’ STEAM, Entrepreneurship, and Socio-emotional Skills
Nurturing Visionary Leaders and Researchers in Economics and Quantitative Finance
China Aerospace Education Programme
Generative AI and AIoT (GenAIoT) Coding Skills Education for Gifted Students