[Archive] The 3 types of the Enrichment Triad Curriculum
The 3 types of the Enrichment Triad Curriculum are outlined as follows: -
Type I - General Exploratory Activities
(e.g. To arrange museum-visits, seminars and interviews for students. )
Type II – Group Training Activities
(e.g. Trainings on creative thinking, personal-development and emotional intelligence)T
Type III – Investigation of Real Problems
(e.g. Topics such as studies on the Black Hole, extinction of dinosaurs and current trends etc.)
Autonomous Learner Model
The Autonomous Learner Model designed by Betts is an approach to cater for the needs of gifted students. It aims at developing students' self-learning attitude and skills by focusing on their needs of self-recognition, social and affective skills.
The 5 sections of the Autonomous Learner Model are:
Orientation – This section is an introduction to the model and the definition of "gifted". It assists students in self-recognition, team building and autonomous learning, and provides an overview of the programme and the students' responsibilities.
Personal development – This section covers learning skills, self-recognition (advanced level), interpersonal skills and career development.
Enrichment activities – This section covers explorative activities, "mini" research, cultural activities, social services and adventures.
Seminars – The themes of the seminars are in 5 categories, namely, controversial issues, topics related to the future and new trends, difficult questions, state-of-the-art knowledge and common interests.
In-depth study – This is the most challenging section. Students have to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired and consolidate their learning experience from the programme. A topic of their interests should be chosen for in-depth and individual study.
Through the above-mentioned systematic development programme, a gifted student will be more sophisticated in self-recognition, collaborative ability and learning skills, and eventually become an independent and self-disciplined learner.