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Possible Benefits of Life-wide Learning

The following benefits are based both on comments and opinions from teachers and students in Hong Kong and on key research findings from United Kingdom and United States over the last ten years. We also focus on content-free benefits (e.g. skills, attitudes, approaches, styles and values), which are proved to have more sustainable impact on students' later lives.

At student Level:

  • Increasing student attitudes towards learning
  • Promoting better approaches to learning
  • Better students learning habits
  • Cultivating identity as learners
  • More effective learners
  • Self-regulated Learners
  • Raising self-confidence
  • Acquired key life skills


At teacher Level:

  • Better teacher-student relationships
  • New perspective upon learning
  • Learn more about their students


At school development Level:

  • Better learning culture
  • Building learning communities within the school
  • More flexible use of resources in and out of school


At community level:

  • Increasing social capital and social trust
  • Counteracting disadvantages
  • Cultivating Life-long learning culture
  • Promoting a learning society


Under the framework of Delors' four key objectives for the 21st century education, we could further re-group these possible benefits under the following headings (1996):

  • Learning to know
  • Learning to be
  • Learning to do
  • Learning to live together


The Learning Matrix of LWL

Intellectual Development
Moral & Civic Education
Aesthetic Experience
Work-related Experiences
Community Service
Learning to know
Learning to be
Learning to do
Learning to live together

Major objectives

Possible Learning objectives of Life-wide learning for students