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Frequently Asked Questions

Time Allocation (Latest)
The new suggested time allocation of OLE is 10% or above (≥10%) effective from S4 in the 2021/22 school year while the time allocation of OLE for S5 and S6 remains as 10-15%. Are there any suggestions for schools to allocate the proportion of curriculum time in respect of the five areas of OLE?
Would the new recommendation on the time allocation, i.e. 10% or above (≥10%) effective from S4 in the 2021/22 school year, encourage schools to increase the opportunities for enhancing students' whole-person development?
When planning the time allocation for the five areas of OLE upon their professional judgment and flexibility, could schools remove some PE lessons?
In view of the fact that "the quality of OLE that matters, rather than the quantity", could schools, according to their school-based development and students’ needs, reduce the lesson time of OLE to less than 10%?
With the implementation mode of allocating 10% or above to OLE and PE lessons have already constituted 5% of the time, how could schools promote the other four areas of OLE effectively within the remaining 5% lesson time?
Within the 10% or above OLE lesson time, is there any upper or lower limit of the percentage of lesson time for each area in OLE?
Taking our school's present situation into consideration, we find it difficult to build OLE into the time-table and work on the total time spent on OLE. Would you suggest some viable strategies to us?
Would building OLE into the time-table adversely affect students' learning in the core and elective subjects?
Are students required to count their own OLE hours?
Areas of OLE
How could we ensure students to have a balanced development in the five areas of OLE according to the new modification (10% or above) of lesson time allocation?
Could KLA's activities be counted as Other Learning Experiences?
Could the study of ApL, elective PE and AE, and Ethics and Religious Studies be regarded as OLE?
Are service opportunities at school recognised as Community Service?
If a student participates in an activity that is not organised by school (e.g. private piano tuition), could it be recognised as OLE?
Are students' self-arranged activities or their participation in other programmes outside schools counted as OLE?
School Implementation
What are the possible modes of implementation of OLE?
Building on existing practices / strengths, how could we implement Aesthetic Development?
Should schools track individuals' detailed participation in OLE (including time-tabled and non-time-tabled learning time) to show the compliance of 10% or above allocation?
Will there be any Socio-economic Status (SES) discrimination among those learning opportunities provided by different schools?
Would OLE incur any additional resource implication?