PLAY, LEARN, THINK in SOWonderland: Fun Activities for Fuelling Positivity
The SOW Activity Sheet "PLAY, LEARN, THINK in SOWonderland: Fun Activities for Fuelling Positivity" aims to nurture students' positive values and attitudes and to hone their language skills (e.g. speaking, writing) through fun and engaging activities. It provides opportunities for students to explore and reflect on the featured themes (i.e. "Leading a Positive Life", "Diligence", "Empathy", "Respect for Diversity" and "Cherishing Life") and selected sayings of wisdom under the SOW Campaign 2022/23, and use English to discuss and share their views on topics related to positive values and attitudes in meaningful contexts. Teachers are encouraged to make effective use of the SOW Activity Sheet to enrich students' English language learning within and beyond the classroom.
Welcome to SOWonderland Embark on a journey filled with positivity by learning more about the overaching theme "Leading a Positive Life" and the sub-themes "Cherishing Life", "Diligence", "Empathy" and "Respect for Diversity".
It's SOW Time Fill in the missing words in the 12 featured proverbs and inspirational quotes and decode the secret message of leading a positive life.
"Small Act, Big Change" Picture Search Look at the picture and search for the people who may need help. Discuss how the kindness, empathy and respect shown in a good deed may bring a big change to someone's life.