The English animation series “An Inspiring Journey through Chinese Fables and Tales” together with the activity booklet is designed to enrich students’ English learning experiences and promote national education. The animations, each lasting for 4-5 minutes, feature three well-known Chinese fables and tales, namely “Fanning the Pillow and Warming the Quilt” (「扇枕溫衾」), “One Rice, Thousand Gold” (「一飯千金」) and “Yu the Great Tamed the Waters” (「大禹治水」), and enable students to learn English in an interesting and lively way. The activity booklet is developed to facilitate and complement the use of the animations. In addition to developing English language skills, students are guided to respect, appreciate and inherit Chinese culture and traditional values, including placing emphasis on filial piety, having gratitude, being perseverant, and upholding the love for our country, thus cultivating a sense of national identity in them and fostering their development of proper values and attitudes. To explore more on Chinese fables and tales, please refer to the online interactive e-learning resources A Treasury of Literary Classics (Primary Level) – Chinese Fables and Tales Series (1) and (2).