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Hong Kong Teachers’ Exchange Activities to the Mainland (2023/24)

The theme is Teaching Tapestry: Adding Values to English Language Education

Stage 1

Date: 6 – 8 March, 2024

Location: Hong Kong

Mainland exchange representatives: Representatives from the Department of Education, Guangdong, Shantou Education Department, and Shantou primary and secondary school English teachers.

At this stage, activities were mainly about professional development conducted by EDB officers from different sections and two school visits including lesson observations.


Hong Kong Education Bureau representative took a group photo with the Mainland exchange representatives at the opening ceremony.

Mainland exchange representatives visited Tin Shui Wai Government Primary School and took a group photo.

Mainland exchange representatives observed an English open class with a focus on the strategies of incorporating values education in the lesson.

Mainland exchange representatives participated in a professional development activity centered around incorporating values education in the lesson.

Mainland exchange representatives visited Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School and took a group photo.

Mainland exchange representatives had a post-lesson discussion after the open lesson at Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School.

Stage 2

Date:  18-22 March and 15-19 April 2024

Location: Shantou City

Hong Kong exchange representatives: A total of 9 support officers from the Education Bureau, Hong Kong and 6 Hong Kong primary and secondary school English teachers

At this stage, activities were mainly about seminars conducted by Hong Kong teachers in Shantou, collaboration lesson planning, lesson observations and post-lesson discussions among Hong Kong and Shantou teachers.  There were also cross-school activities and dissemination in April.


Hong Kong exchange representatives took a group photo with the leaders in the Mainland.

Hong Kong exchange representatives interacted with students from Shantou.
Hong Kong exchange representatives participated in the pre-class discussion with the teachers from Shantou.

Hong Kong exchange representatives engaged in a Chinese papercutting activity with the teachers and students in a Shantou primary school.

Hong Kong exchange representatives conducted a sharing about learning and teaching strategies.

An open class on English picture book teaching at Shantou.