In the 2025/26 s.y., SBSS cover various Key Learning Areas (KLAs) /subjects and are in line with the latest curriculum initiatives. There are four major domains of SBSS:
(a) Supporting school curriculum leadership
SBSS emphasise enhancing the professional capabilities of school curriculum leaders in areas such as early childhood education, curriculum planning and implementation in different KLAs/subjects in primary and secondary schools, and leading their school teams to develop a distinctive, continuous and effective school curriculum in alignment with the latest curriculum initiatives.
(b) Strengthening linkages with curriculum initiatives
In addition to promoting curriculum planning and implementation in different KLAs/subjects, linkages between SBSS and various curriculum initiatives, including national education, values education, STEAM education, Chinese culture, self-directed learning and catering for learning diversity, will also be strengthened to enhance schools’ effectiveness in implementing related cross-curricular projects.
(c) Promoting inter-school / Mainland–Hong Kong teachers’ professional exchanges
Schools are supported in establishing learning communities to promote professional exchanges among schools, share practical experiences and explore effective strategies. Meanwhile, the “Mainland–Hong Kong Teachers Exchange and Collaboration Programme (MHKTECP)” promotes collaboration between Mainland and Hong Kong teachers by leveraging the expertise and practical experience of Mainland expert teachers to optimise the implementation of cross-curricular projects with local schools in areas such as STEAM education and national education, thereby enhancing teaching effectiveness.
(d) Facilitating effective transition across key stages
Support services assist schools in helping students, including non-Chinese speaking students (NCS), transition smoothly between different key stages. Learning community activities are arranged to foster professional sharing and exchanges between kindergarten and primary school teachers, or between primary and secondary school teachers.