Vocational Training Council (VTC) is a statutory body established under VTC Ordinance (Cap. 1130) in 1982 with a mission to provide a comprehensive vocational and professional education and training (VPET) system to suit the needs of Hong Kong.
VTC provides a comprehensive system of VPET services through its member institutes including the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Institute of Professional Education and Knowledge, School for Higher and Professional Education, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong Design Institute, Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology, Hotel and Tourism Institute, International Culinary Institute, Chinese Culinary Institute, Maritime Services Training Institute, Pro-Act by VTC, Youth College, Integrated Vocational Development Centre and Shine Skills Centre. In respect of vocational education, the VTC offers a wide range of full-time and part-time courses which lead to formal qualifications from post-secondary 3 up to degree levels.
The Council of VTC has a membership of 18 non-government members, including leading figures in the education, industry, commerce, service and labour sectors, and three government officials, namely, the Commissioner for Labour, the Director-General of Trade and Industry and the Deputy Secretary for Education. The Executive Director of VTC also sits on the Council as an ex-officio member. The operation of the Council is supported by 5 functional committees and 25 training boards.
VTC has completed a review of the remuneration of the top three tiers of staff for the 24 months ending 31 March 2022. The review findings can be found here .
For enquiries on the courses offered by VTC, please call VTC at (852) 2836 1000. The website of VTC is http://www.vtc.edu.hk.