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[Archive] Non-profit-making Kindergarten Rent Reimbursement Scheme

(A)  Cut-off Point Data (2016-18 Monitoring Cycle)


1.  School Fees Cut-off Point


To be eligible for continuation of rent reimbursement, a kindergarten (KG) should be non-profit-making (NPM) and charge school fee at a level not higher than $34,850 per student per annum (pspa) for half-day session (not higher than $69,700 pspa for whole-day class) in the 2016/17 school year.


2.  Rental Cut-off Rates


To be eligible for continuation of rent reimbursement, a KG should have a rental cost pspa not higher than the respective rental cut-off rate applicable to the KG.


Six Rental Cut-off Rates based on the type of the KG premises are as follows :


Hong Kong Region

Estate KGs

$ 6,546 pspa

Hong Kong Region

Non-estate KGs

$ 14,389 pspa

Kowloon Region

Estate KGs

$ 4,840 pspa

Kowloon Region

Non-estate KGs

$8,607 pspa

New Territories Region

Estate KGs

$4,924 pspa

New Territories Region

Non-estate KGs

$11,869 pspa


Kindergartens may refer to EDB Circular No. 2/2004 for more details of the Scheme.


(B)  Frequently Asked Questions



Q1 What are the eligibility criteria of a NPM KG for continuation of rent reimbursement in the monitoring cycle?


Q2 What are the eligibility criteria of a NPM KG for continuation of rent reimbursement in the monitoring cycle?


Q3 When will NPM KGs in receipt of rent reimbursement be informed that they are not fulfilling the eligibility criteria and/or various cut-off rates?


Q4 Will EDB re-assess the possibly affected KGs as short-listed in the first assessment?


Q5 If the KGs concerned cannot fulfil the eligibility criteria including the various cut-off points after the second assessment, when will rent reimbursement of these KGs be ceased or reduced?


Q6 For those affected KGs under ther past monitoring cycle that already have rent reimbursement ceased or reduced in the current monitoring cycle, will their rent reimbursement be resumed at the start of the next monitoring cycle?


Q7 If the KGs fail to meet the rental cut-off rates attributable to high rental cost, what improvement measures may the possibly affected KGs take in order to stay in the rent reimbursement scheme?


Q8 Will the cessation or reduction of rent subsidies affect the reimbursement of rates and/or government rent?


January 2017