The Education Bureau (EDB) will continue to implement the admission arrangements for K1 classes in kindergartens (KGs) for the 2025/26 school year (hereafter referred to as "2025/26 K1 Admission Arrangements") with a view to facilitating the smooth operation of the admission process of KGs and helping parents secure a KG place for their children in a timely manner. EDB Circular Memorandum (EDBCM) No. 106/2024 was issued on 31 May 2024 to all KGs.
Parents apply to EDB for the RC | KGs process
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Upon receipt of the applications with all necessary information and documents provided, it generally takes six to eight weeks for EDB to complete processing of the applications and issue the RC/AP to parents1 by post | ||
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KGs inform parents of the application result before 13 December 2024 | ||
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If application is successful | If application is not successful | |
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Parents register with one KG during the Centralised Registration Dates | Parents refer to the K1-K3 vacancy information | |
1. If parents cannot submit the RC/AP to the KG which their child has been admitted to during the Centralised Registration Dates, the KG concerned may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are required to submit application to EDB within the designated period.
2. If a child is admitted after the Centralised Registration Dates, his/her parent is still required to submit the RC/AP for registration. If the parent intends to change school for his/her child after registration with a KG, he/she is required to get back the RC/AP from the KG with which he/she has registered. Upon getting back the RC/AP from a KG, the KG concerned will no longer reserve the place for the child. Normally, the registration fee paid to the KG with which the parent has registered will not be refunded.
4. Application for Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission
Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission for the 2025/26 school year | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | Frequently Asked Questions |
4. | Points to Note Regarding the Use of "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" |
5. | Points to Note Regarding the Use of "Kindergarten Admission Pass" |
6. | Poster on Application for "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" |
7. | Submit the electronic application form online "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" |
8. | Manual on electronic application form for "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" |
9. | |
Re-issue of Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission / Kindergarten Admission Pass (Only applicable to applicant who has been issued with Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission / Kindergarten Admission Pass) | |
1. | |
2. |
According to the Education Bureau Circular Memorandum (EDBCM) No. 106/2024, KGs joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme should read carefully the EDBCM and comply with the admission guidelines issued by the Education Bureau for KG admission, including provision of bilingual application forms and relevant information for parents’ reference. The guidelines have been uploaded to EDB’s website alongside EDBCM No. 106/2024. When preparing the bilingual version of the relevant documents, KGs may make reference to the following templates which are for reference only to prepare their school-based admission documents based on their operational needs.
EDB organised 5 seminars for parents in July 2024 to explain the workflow and points to note regarding the "2025/26 K1 Admission Arrangements".
EDB organised 3 identical seminars for kindergartens in June 2024 to explain the workflow and points to note regarding the "2025/26 K1 Admission Arrangements".
For details, please refer to EDB Circular Memorandum.
1. | Guidance Notes on Application |
2. | Application Form |
3. | |
4. | Submit the electronic application form for "Provisional Registration Letter" online |
5. | Undertaking and Declaration - Electronic application form for "Provisional Registration Letter" |
The following vacancy information of 2025/26 K1-K3 classes reflects the position as at 18 March 2025. Please note that the information is for reference only and subject to updating (Next update date: 28 March 2025). For seeking places, please call relevant KGs direct. Student admission result is at the discretion of the KGs.
For more information about KGs, please approach relevant KGs direct or browse the website of Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres (
Seminar on"Admission Arrangements for K1 Classes in Kindergartens for the 2025/26 School Year" | |
Date | Relevant materials |
13 July 2024 |
Parent Education Talks for Non-Chinese Speaking Parents | |
Date | Relevant materials |
25 May 2024 | Play – A Tool Parents Need to Use for Children’s Development (Code: 2320) (Conducted in English)
YouTube videos uploaded on 13 March 2023 | Exposing the Myths of Play (Videos on EDB YouTube Channel)(Conducted in English) |
YouTube videos uploaded on 13 March 2023 | Let Kids Go, Let Kids Grow - The Art of Promoting Young Children's Self-Care Skills (Videos on EDB YouTube Channel)(Conducted in English) |
3 July 2021 | Child Development - From Kindergarten to Primary (Code: 2062)(Conducted in English) |
6 June 2021 | Exposing the Myths of Play (Code: 2059)(Conducted in English) |
(Updated as of June 2024)
Parents may call EDB’s Regional Education Offices, the Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres or EDB hotline for enquiry.
Hong Kong Regional Education Office | 2863 4646 |
Kowloon Regional Education Office | 3698 4108 |
NT East Regional Education Office | 2639 4876 |
NT West Regional Education Office | 2437 7272 |
Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres | 3107 2197 |
EDB Hotline | 2891 0088 |
Hotline on admission to Kindergartens
3540 6808 / 3540 6811 2892 6676 |