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The Fourth Strategy on IT in Education - Enhancing Schools’ WiFi Infrastructure


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Use of Funding



Our aim is to provide public sector schools (except those which have joined the Support Scheme who will receive enhanced CITG from 2017/18 school year onwards. ) with enhanced Composite IT Grant (CITG) to enhance their WiFi infrastructure to cater for the need of using e-textbooks and e-learning resources in class. In addition, a one-off grant will be provided to schools for acquiring mobile computing devices for use in class by students. The enhanced CITG comprises provision for replacement and maintenance of the mobile computing devices.


Based on the successful experience gained in the Support Scheme, schools are encouraged to hire a service provider to design, build and operate the whole WiFi infrastructure and to pay for the service by subscription thereafter. Alternatively, schools may use the fund to design, build, and operate the WiFi infrastructure by themselves. In line with the current practice for disbursement of the CITG, the level of grant for individual schools will depend on their school size as reflected in the number of approved classes.


EDB will also disburse a one-off grant in the range of $70,000 to $170,000 per school (actual rate will depend on the number of approved classes) for schools to acquire mobile computing devices for shared use of students in class for e-learning.



Information for procurement


Aided Schools




Government Schools


  • EDB Internal Circulars No. 4/2015 and No. 5/2016
  • Stores and Procurement Regulations