The framework on “Information Literacy for Hong Kong Students” was updated in 2016 to enable schools to incorporate information literacy into their curriculum so as to foster students’ ability and correct attitude to use information. To further support teachers to develop students’ information literacy and proper attitude in using information technology, the Education Bureau (EDB) has produced the “Smart e-Master” Information Kit on e-Learning for upper primary and junior secondary students. The Information Kit contains 10 sets of animations and comics, learning and teaching exemplars and online quizzes for school use.
1. Animations of Stories
Please click here to view the 10 animations.
2. Student Booklet
3. Suggested Learning and Teaching Activities
Please click here to download the Learning and Teaching Activities.
4. Online Quizzes
Please click the button to dowload the quizzes:
Please click the button to download the answers:
5. Poster
6. Useful Websites
a. Healthy e-Generation Network
b. Information Literacy for Hong Kong Students, Education Bureau
c. “Unite for a Better Internet” Information Kit on e-Learning (Chinese only)
d. The Website of Learning and Teaching Resources, Education Bureau (Chinese only)
e. Cyber Security and Technology Crime, Hong Kong Police Force
f. Cyber Security Information Portal
g. InfoSec
h. Intellectual Property Department
i. Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
j. Student Health Service, Department of Health
k. YouthCan, Department of Health
l. M21 Internet Education Resource Kit by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (Chinese only)