[Archive] Teaching Ideas for English Language Teachers in English-medium Schools
- What is the objective of this set of materials?
- To provide English language teachers with concrete ideas so as to help them support students’ learning in other subjects, and to help students acquire language skills.
- What is this set of materials about?
- This set of materials contains suggestions and prompts for English language teachers so that they may better engage with content subject teachers to meet the demands of students learning content subjects through English.
- They are not textbook materials to be simply implemented in classes. Rather, they are teaching strategies that language teachers can make use of in the classroom.
- What are the special features of this set of materials?
- There are 16 chapters in the book aimed at developing students’ English language skills to aid learning in other subjects
- Examples are taken directly from textbooks used by students in local EMI schools.
- The topics covered include a wide range, from project work to activities for developing students’ high order thinking skills. Some areas include:
- classroom language (with lists for both teachers and students)
- teaching ideas and strategies for the teaching of reading, writing, speaking, listening and vocabulary
- activities for enhancing students’ English language skills
- suggestions for conducing project work
- tips on helping students understand the instructions on test and examination papers
Project Team Members:Evelyn Yee-fun Man (CUHK), David Coniam (CUHK), Christine Bruce (CUHK), Icy Kit-bing Lee (HKBU), Cecilia Tam (HKUST) and Ann Cheung (Immanuel Lutheran College), with Alice Kit-sang Chau (CUHK)