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[Archive] Support and Resources for Medium of Instruction (MOI) Policy


Peronal, Social and Humanities Education - Secondary 1 to 3


S1 PSHE ELA Modules


PSHE Curriculum Framework (Strand*)

Subject Panel Involved

Student Ability Level

Language Objectives

Mode of ELA


Personal Hygiene







Social Studies ; Integrated Humanities


Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of personal hygiene, and understand and use the English expressions for discussing personal hygiene and ways to take care of the body.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Balanced Diet







Social Studies ; Integrated Humanities

Low to Average

Understand and use the English terms related to balanced diet; understand and use the English expressions for discussing how to have a balanced diet, and different kinds of nutrition we can get from different kinds of food.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Ancient Egypt









Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of Ancient Egyptian civilization; understand the key ideas of an English instructional text on the topic; use correct phrasal verbs to complete a cloze passage, and write the main points of the lesson in eight complete sentences by arranging words for each sentence in the correct order.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Ancient Greece Civilization









Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of Life in Ancient Greece; use correct tenses to describe ancient Greek civilization and to express understanding of the concept "Change and Continuity", and use English to exchange information orally through asking and answering questions.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Ancient Greek Literature









Understand and use English terms related to the topic of Ancient Greek Literature and use the correct English expressions for discussing the name, writer and content of the Iliad, Aesop’s Fables, the Odyssey and the Histories; understand the content of an English video clip of a story from ‘Aesop’s Fables’; discuss the key ideas of the story, and use the connectives ‘first’, ‘second’, and ‘third’ in giving reasons.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic











Understand and use the English terms related to location; understand and use appropriate English expressions for describing the locations of objects/facilities on a map; exchange information through asking questions about locations of facilities on a simple map, and understand the English expressions for explaining the concepts of longitude and latitude.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Urban Land Use








Low to Average

Understand and use the English terms related to urban land use; understand and use the English expressions for discussing different types of urban land use, and use English to give examples of land use types they have identified in the areas where they live.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Manufacturing – Industrial Relocation







Geography ; EPA


Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of manufacturing; understand the English expressions for discussing types and examples of production in the manufacturing industry; accurately name the industrial areas in Hong Kong in English; use appropriate English expressions for explaining why industrialists in Hong Kong relocate their factories to South China, and use linking adverbials to sequence and signal logical connections between ideas.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic



S2 PSHE ELA Modules


PSHE Curriculum Framework (Strand*)

Subject Panel Involved

Student Ability Level

Language Objectives

Mode of ELA


Hong Kong History – Pre-colonial periods









Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of pre-colonial Hong Kong history, and understand and use English expressions for discussing life in a traditional village society, especially, a walled village.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Industrial Revolution









Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of the Industrial Revolution and describe the six major social changes resulting from it using an appropriate sentence structure; understand statements about these social changes, and respond to guiding questions to explain the cause-and-effect relationship in discussing each of them.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic











Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of flooding;  understand and use the English expressions for discussing the water cycle, and understand and use the English expressions for discussing the key concepts related to flooding.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic



Weather and Climate








Low to Average

Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of weather and climate; understand and use English expressions for discussing key concepts related to weather elements; understand and use the English expressions for explaining warning signals issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, and understand and use English expressions for explaining the formation of monsoons in Hong Kong.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


The Urban Problems of the City of Hong Kong








Low to Average

Understand and use English terms related to land use and urban problems, and understand and use English expressions for describing the community facilities and environmental problems associated with the type of land use they have observed from their field studies.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic










Civic and Moral Education


Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of identity; use English to exchange views on the commonalities and differences between being a Hongkong and a Chinese citizen; use connectives of reason to justify their views on the core values of the people of Hong Kong, and use English to participate in a discussion on being a responsible citizen.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Hong Kong Society – Rich or Poor







Social Studies and Integrated Humanities


Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of rich and poor; understand and use the English expressions for discussing the lives of social groups living in poverty in Hong Kong; understand the English expressions for defining poverty,  and locate information from the Internet for answering questions related to the poverty problems in Hong Kong.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Social Problems of Hong Kong – Ageing Population







Social Studies; Civic and Moral Education


Understand and use English terms related to the topic of ageing population; understand and use English expressions for discussing recent changes in population structure in Hong Kong by studying the population pyramid; respond to data on the social and economic background of the elderly in Hong Kong, transforming the data into descriptive text, and understand and use English expressions for discussing the suggestions for the provision of social services to the elderly.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic



S3 PSHE ELA Modules


PSHE Curriculum Framework (Strand*)

Subject Panel Involved

Student Ability Level

Language Objectives

Mode of ELA


Heritage Conservation







History, Geography


Understand and use English terms related to the topic of  heritage conservation; understand and use the English expressions for discussing heritage conservation in Hong Kong by studying source materials; locate information on the conservation of historic buildings and sites of cultural significance in Hong Kong, transforming the information into an oral presentation; understand and use English expressions for discussing the need to preserve historic buildings in Hong Kong, and construct two simple paragraphs, one summarising information gathered independently and presented orally, the other comprising answers to comprehension questions.

Teaching a new topic through the medium of English


International Conflicts in the 20th Century – World War I








Low to Average

Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of World War I; understand and use English expressions for describing the causes, the course and the consequences of war, using the infinitive of purpose and the passive voice, and construct a paragraph by collating responses to 6 questions based on information presented in the topic.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Tropical Rainforest








Low to Average

Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of tropical rainforest, and understand and use the English expressions for discussing the causes of deforestation in the tropical rainforest.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Air Pollution









Pronounce familiar English terms related to air pollution; show their understanding of key terms to complete a crossword puzzle, and express their ideas about the causes and effects of air pollution by using the prepositional phrases " because of", "due to", "instead of" and the adverbial connector "therefore".

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Introduction to Globalization







Social Studies and Integrated Humanities


Pronounce familiar English terms related to globalization; read and understand an English text on globalization, extracting points of information to complete a flow chart; use the correct English terms to categorize events representing different aspects of globalization, and on the basis of their understanding of the text, use English to talk about the causes and effects of globalization, as well as how their present lifestyles are affected by globalization, using appropriate English expressions.

Teaching a new topic through the medium of English


Sustainable Development









Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of sustainable development; describe waste management and waste reduction policies using appropriate English expressions, and use appropriate English expressions for explaining how daily life activities impact on the environment.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Hong Kong HK$10 polymer dollar







Social Studies and EPA


Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of the HK$10 polymer note; read and extract information from a text in English to complete comprehension questions; understand and use English expressions for making and justifying suggestions, identifying similarities and differences and comparing and contrasting properties and attributes, and construct a single paragraph summary of their responses to questions, following the teacher’s guidelines on organisation and connectivity.

Re-teaching a topic originally taught in Chinese through the medium of English and teaching a new aspect of the topic


Planning An Individual Presentation


Social Studies


Understand and use the English terms related to the topic of presentation; understand and use English expressions for introducing, staging and concluding a presentation, and construct a simple written paragraph based on their presentation, following the teacher’s guidelines on appropriate linking expressions for written English.

Teaching a new topic through the medium of English


 *Strand 1 – Personal and Social Development
   Strand 2 – Time, Continuity and Change
   Strand 3 – Culture and Heritage
   Strand 4 – Place and Environment
   Strand 5 – Resources and Economic Activities
   Strand 6 – Social, Systems and Citizenship