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School Development Planning

The Enhanced School Development and Accountability Framework (suggested learning time: approximately 125 minutes)

The School Development and Accountability (SDA) framework was introduced by the Education Bureau (EDB) in the 2003/04 school year in supporting schools to implement school-based management (SBM).  The framework emphasises that school self-evaluation (SSE) is a core element of schools for their perpetual improvement. SSE, complemented by school inspections (including External School Review and Focus Inspection), helps promote continuous self-improvement in schools through putting in place a systematic Planning-Implementation-Evaluation cycle.  Building on the experience gained from the existing SSE and making reference to the suggestions made by the Impact Study on the Implementation of the Current Phase of the SDA Framework for Enhancing School Development in Hong Kong, EDB has further enhanced the SDA framework to strengthen SBM.

(1) Presentation slides: Briefing session on the enhanced School Development and Accountability framework (Chinese version only) [82 pages]



What are the differences between the enhanced SDA framework and SDA framework?
Why does SSE have to focus on the seven learning goals?
What are the refinements to Key Performance Measures (KPM) for tying in with the SSE under the enhanced SDA framework?

  1. SMC Chairperson and SMC members may read Education Bureau Circular No. 15/2022 “The enhanced School Development and Accountability framework”[6 pages] before the SMC meeting and reserve 20-30 minutes in the meeting to discuss how the school implements the new items in the KPM.

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