Expression of Interest - International Schools
The Education Bureau has invited expression of interest for allocation of two vacant school premises/school sites for international school development. The full announcement is set out in the press release
(196 KB).
Information on the premises/school sites
The two vacant school premises/school sites are located in North Point and Kowloon Tong, respectively. For details, please refer to the information on the premises/sites earmarked
(1,622 KB).
Submission of reply form
Interested parties are required to read carefully the note to respondents
(597 KB), complete the reply form
(705 KB), and submit it by post (6/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong) or by email ( by 21 February 2024.
Salient points
- The successful applicant may be given a choice of the following two allocation options for the vacant school premises/school site, i.e. (I) to sign a Tenancy Agreement and pay nominal rent* for use of the existing school building without demolition; or (II) to be granted the site and the structures thereon at nominal premium* by signing a Private Treaty Grant, then demolish the existing structures and re-construct a new school building. The ultimate manner of allocation is subject to the Government’s discretion.
- The successful applicant is required to allocate at least 70% of the school places to non-local students. For existing international schools who applied for expansion through this School Allocation Exercise, the said student mix requirement would be applied to the entire school (i.e. all existing campus(es) as well as the new campus allocated in this exercise).
* The offer of nominal rent or premium is subject to the future school sponsoring body possessing relevant tax-exemption status and incorporation status, as well as the Government’s prevailing policy. The Government reserves all right on offer or not any nominal rent or premium.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to the list of FAQs
(408 KB).
Enquiries may be directed to Mr Brian Mok at 3509 8391 or