Parent Seminar on “Parenting at Ease : Ways to Handle Children's Challenging Behaviors” (Videos on EDB You Tube Channel) (Conducted in Cantonese)
Many parents are often troubled by their children's behaviors and may feel helpless when it comes to parenting. While some relatively severe challenging behaviors require parents' attention, some troublesome behaviors are in fact normal in the journey of a child's development. Once parents are able to distinguish between them and deal with them appropriately, parenting can be effortless and effective.
In this connection, the Education Bureau (EDB) has commissioned The Education University of Hong Kong to conduct a talk to help parents identify and interpret different types of children's behaviors and the reasons for the behaviors and introduce corresponding parenting techniques that enable parents to become more competent in parenting skills. The speaker, Dr. Eva Lau Yi Hung, will explain what the normative behaviors are and help parents to identify the four different types of challenging behaviors. In addition, Dr. Lau will explain how to utilize natural and logical consequences and explore the use of the 6-step approach to dealing with children's challenging behaviors, which consists of: 1) identifying and defining the conflict, 2) generating possible solutions, 3) evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions, 4) deciding on the best solution for both parties, 5) working out ways to implement the solution, and 6) evaluating how well the solution worked. This 6-step approach facilitates parents to deal with the root cause of challenging behaviors by engaging both the parents and children in the process of finding a solution to a problem, which, at the same time, develops the children's problem solving skills.
The seminar will also include children's behavioral problems that may emerge due to increasing family time at home under the pandemic, the reasons for the behavioral problems and relevant parenting techniques for influencing a children's behavior.
In view of the current pandemic situation, the above-mentioned seminar will be recorded in advance and uploaded to the
EDB YouTube Channel in early February. The seminar materials, such as links to videos, PowerPoint slides and pamphlet on Tips for Parents, etc. will also be uploaded onto the EDB's website on “
Parent Education Information at Kindergarten Stage”. Parents can browse the website for relevant information via the following QR Code and path:
EDB YouTube Channel
Parent Education Information at Kindergarten Stage
(Path: 1. Children’s Developmental and Learning Characteristics > Related Parents’ Talks and Courses)