A. | |||
B. | Pre-primary education/diversified curriculum and education opportunities | ||
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Newly-arrived children can seek a school place by any of the following ways:
In addition, parents may obtain the booklet “Your Guide to Services in Hong Kong” at the airport upon arrival or from the Home Affairs Enquiry Centres, Labour Department and other community organisations. Chapter 16 of the booklet gives a brief introduction to the education service in Hong Kong, with the enquiry telephone numbers and addresses of the Regional Education Offices and PS Section of EDB as well as other related departments. This booklet is written in seven languages, namely English, Bahasa Indonesia, Hindi, Nepali, Tagalog, Thai and Urdu.
My child will soon complete the secondary education in the place of origin. Can he / she enter the local Secondary Six (S6) classes directly? If he / she wants to sit for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, what are the entry requirements of this examination?
Non-local children may enter or reside in Hong Kong for the purpose of education only with approval of the Director of Immigration. Thus, non-local children may enter or reside in Hong Kong for the purpose of education only with the approval of the Director of Immigration. For details, please visit the Immigration Department’s website: https://www.immd.gov.hk/.
Upon clearance from the Director of Immigration about the conditions of stay and study in Hong Kong, the children are eligible to study in Hong Kong. As the education systems and curricula of other countries are not the same as the local ones, schools will, as a normal practice, interview the applicant child and assess his / her suitable class level before making the admission arrangement.
Under the existing academic structure, all students will have the opportunity to study up to Secondary 6. After completing six years secondary curriculum, students may attend the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) for admission to university. For further details of the qualification of the HKDSE, please visit the website of Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
Most of the schools in Hong Kong adopt Chinese as the medium of instruction for most subjects. Therefore, admission of non-Chinese speaking children will be made on a case-by-case basis. All mainstream schools will admit non-Chinese speaking children. For enquiries, please contact the Regional Education Offices of EDB.
Parents may contact schools directly to apply for a place for their children. Schools will take into account their school-based circumstances (such as the availability of school places) when considering the applications.
EDB provides school placement support services for all children aged 6 to 15 who are eligible to enrol in public sector schools. Parents may approach the nearby Regional Education Offices of EDB to seek placement assistance. For placement to primary schools, our staff at the Regional Education Offices of EDB will make placement arrangement based on the district of residence of the applicants and vacancies of schools. For placement to secondary schools, certain flexibility can be exercised and "cross-district" arrangement will be considered. Our staff at the Regional Education Offices of EDB will make placement arrangement in accordance with the residential district of the applicants and the availability of school places as far as possible.
Parents should bring along their children’s identity documents, proof of attained academic qualifications and proof of residential address1 (both originals and photocopies) to register with the nearby Regional Education Offices of EDB. For cases concerning newly-arrived children, parents should also bring along their children for registration.
Parents may also submit the completed Registration Form for Placement Assistance Services and photocopies of the abovementioned required documents by post, email or fax. EDB will contact parents via phone within five working days upon receipt of the registration documents and request parent to bring along the original copies of the required documents (and their children for cases concerning newly-arrived children) to visit respective REO for verification. If parents/ guardians do not receive our phone call after five working days, please contact the nearby REO for follow up.
1. Proof of residential address that the Regional Education Offices of EDB accept includes, but not limited to, demand note for rates, public housing tenancy agreement or water / electricity / town gas / residential telephone bills. The proof of residential address should bear the name of the parent / guardian, the issuing date and the name of issuing organisation. If parents / guardians cannot provide the above acceptable proof of residential address, EDB may request parents / guardians to make sworn declaration at the respective Regional Education Offices or provide supplementary documents as further proof of the child’s residential address.
Parents or the public can access the information of schools by visiting the Regional Education Offices of EDB. The school information has also been uploaded to “School Profiles” at the website of Committee on Home-School Co-operation.