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[Archive] IT in Education Centre of Excellence (CoE) Scheme



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2019/20 School Year

Strength of Schools - Primary Schools


 Name of School Strength of School Contact
Buddhist Chi King Primary School

- In the 2014/15 school year, our school joined the "WiFi Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme" to enhance our school’s WiFi infrastructure for the use of e-textbooks and e-learning resources by teachers and students in the classroom.

- Since the 2015/16 school year, our school has launched the "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) scheme progressively in some classes. In the 2019/20 school year, BYOD scheme has been extended in all P4 and P5 classes to nurture students’ abilities in the application of Information Technology (IT) and self-directed learning skills through various e-learning activities.

- Google Classroom is adopted in BYOD classes as an e-learning platform for the establishment of a systematic learning portfolio.

- Teachers refine e-learning lesson design through collaborative lesson planning, peer lesson observations, reflections and discussions to facilitate professional sharing and exchange on e-learning.

- Since the 2015/16 school year, coding education has been incorporated into our Information Technology subject in all levels.

- Since the 2017/18 school year, our teachers have participated in "Project Net" programme for providing new media literacy courses for students.


Mr. NG Ho-yin

Ms. LAW Miu-chi

Tel: 2759 7722

Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School

- Since 2015 school year, all teachers and students have used Google cloud services for sharing of teacher-designed activities and teacher-produced learning materials for provision of more learning resources to students as well as learning outcome and learning effectiveness enhancement.

- In 2018, our school has installed WiFi network in the whole school campus.

- Our school redesigned Computer curriculum for adopting e-learning in different subjects and the use of cloud services.

- Our students use Chromebook to produce project learning reports in computer lessons.

- Our school has participated in eRead Scheme to promote e-reading culture. Students are encouraged to read with their own mobile computer devices during morning reading time and tutorial lessons.

- Our school has established an IT laboratory and a Multipurpose Learning Centre for provision of information technology support to foster STEM education and learning activities and learning and teaching of STEM.

- Since the 2018/19 school year, our school has formed an "IT Learning Ad-hoc Group" to introduce effective e-learning tools, refine pedagogy and design school-based curriculum.


Mr. LEE Loy-kin

Mr. LIAN Hei

Tel: 2884 4115

HK Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School

- In the 2015/16 school year, our school established an "e-Learning Development Team" and joined the "Enhancing Schools’ WiFi Infrastructure Plan" to build up a secure wireless network for continuous optimization of e-learning resources and implementation of the school"s IT Education Programme.

- After years of experiences in e-learning , each subject panel has established a clear development direction to make use of the advantages of e-learning :

   - With the use of e-learning platform in Chinese Language, the school based learning materials have become more interactive;

   - We promote learning beyond the classroom using Learning Management System in English Language;

   - We use overseas e-learning resources to try out new pedagogies and teaching strategies in Mathematics;

   - Elements of Coding and Information Literacy (IL) are incorporated in our school-based IT curriculum.

- In 2018/19 school year, the school began to get ready for the "Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)" scheme through the support of the Community Care Fund with the"Provision of Subsidy to Needy Primary and Secondary Students for Purchasing Mobile Computer Devices Policy. Our school launched the BYOD scheme with all P1classes to sustain the development of e-learning.

- Since 2016 school year, our school has implemented STEAM education across subjects and introduced "Design Thinking" to enhance students’ ability to learn independently and to apply their knowledge and skills comprehensively in various subjects.


Mr. AU Kin-keung

Mr. PONG Ka-leung

Tel: 2757 0854/2757 4884

Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch)

- Our school is committed to developing our teachers’ e-learning repertoire by encouraging teachers to apply various platforms and mobile computer applications in e-learning as well as providing relevant training for them to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching.

- Our school makes use of mobile computer applications in field studies for experiential learning.

- Our teachers are also committed to setting up a video clip database and using different platforms and mobile computer applications to conduct "Flipped Classroom".

- Our school has launched the "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) scheme in P3 to P6 for e-learning in different subjects.


Mr. NG Wai-tong

Tel: 2445 6880

PLK Chee Jing Yin Primary School

- During the 2011 to 2014 school years, our school participated in the "Pilot Scheme on e-learning in Schools" with the project titled "The Newfangled Orbit of Electronic Learning – Developing a Conjoint Network of Information Literacy".

- In 2014 school year, our school has implemented the "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) scheme and participated in the "Support Scheme for e-Learning in Schools" in the 2015/16 school year for enhancing WiFi infrastructure.

- In the 2015/16 school year, our school participated in the Professional Development Schools (PDS) Scheme to support the school sector in using mobile computer devices as learning tools in Mathematics.

- Our school has established a mobile learning platform iClass complementary to a web-based user manual to enable teachers to design school-based mobile learning activities.

- Our school is committed to promoting the development of Information Literacy (IL) and integrating IL into the curriculum. Our school also shares and exchanges the teaching practices, experiences and related resources with other schools.

- Our school has set up a database of interactive e-books and e-learning resources for sharing with other schools and overseas.


Mr. HO Yiu-tong

Mr. LEUNG Wan-lung

Tel: 2646 9181

PLK Dr. Jimmy Wong Chi-Ho ( Tin Sum Valley ) Primary School

- In the 2013/14 school year, our school installed an optical fiber network in classrooms and enhanced our WiFi network for the overall development of e-learning.

- In the 2015/16 school year, our school launched the "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) scheme progressively in upper primary classes. Under the BYOD scheme, e-learning was adopted in Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and General Studies in all P4 classes using e-textbooks. Mobile computer devices procured by our school were used in junior levels to conduct e-learning when appropriate.

- In the 2017/18 school year, the BYOD scheme was extended to all classes in senior levels. Students can use mobile computer devices to carry out interactive learning activities and extended learning after school.

- An effective e-pedagogy has been developed in all the subjects in our school to fully make good use of the advantages of e-learning, for instances, using mobile computer devices to form an "e-orchestra" in Music, having "e-painting" courses in Visual Arts, incorporating coding and Information Literacy(IL) into the curriculum of Information Technology.


Mr. Andy LI

Tel: 2606 2363

St Edward's Catholic Primary School

- Our school participated in "Pilot Scheme on e-Learning in Schools" in 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 school years to pilot game-based e-learning. In 2013 school year, our project won the Hong Kong ICT Awards Best Lifestyle Silver Award.

- In 2012/13 and 2013/14 school years, our school participated in the "e-Textbook Market Development Scheme (EMADS)" launched by the Education Bureau to try out the e-textbooks in Mathematics in P4 to P6 and provided feedbacks.

- In 2014/15 and 2016/17 school years, our school joined the "Support Scheme for e-Learning in Schools" to enhance the WiFi infrastructure for the use of e-learning resources in the classroom and for promoting Assessment for Learning using e-assessment tools.

- Our school has adopted online platform to optimise school administration and to establish school-based information management including email system, calendar and real-time communication etc. in order to enhance information security.

- Our school has proactively promoted "Innovative Learning" for years by adopting various e-learning tools and devices to develop innovative and diversified e-learning modes, such as using Virtual Reality (VR) and e-soft dart in lessons etc.


Ms. LEE Hoi-ying

Tel: 2717 9585
