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[Archive] IT in Education Centre of Excellence (CoE) Scheme



Strength of Schools

Secondary | Primary | Special

Professional Development ProgrammeCoE School ListOn-site Support Form


2018/19 School Year

Strength of Schools - Secondary Schools


 Name of School Strength of School Contact
Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School

- Our school has proactively developed the Information Technology (IT) in education and is committed to integrating IT in education inside and outside the classroom as well as in our administration to build up a digital campus. In the 2013/14 school year, our school has already built a wireless network.

- In the 2014/15 school year, our school has launched the "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) scheme in certain classes. Parent seminars relating to IT in education is held every year so as to enhance the collaboration between parents and our school as well as to strengthen the parents’ confidence in e-learning.

- In the 2016/17 school year, our school has set up an "e-learning study room" to support teachers and students in using e-learning tools.

- In the 2017/18 school year, our school also implemented electronic administration to enhance administrative efficiency.

- Our school also makes good use of different e-learning tools or activities, including Virtual Reality (VR), outdoor field trips, etc., in different subjects, e.g. Geography, Liberal Studies, Life and Society and Mathematics etc., in order to enhance the interactions and strengthen students’ self-learning abilities.


Mr. CHUI Chak-lam

Ms. LI Man-ming

Tel: 2669 9966

Chinese YMCA College

- Starting from the 2016/17 school year, our school has launched computational thinking/coding education using Micro:bit, a microcomputer board in S1-3 Computer Studies.

- In the 2016/17 school year, our school introduced Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies in the classroom in language subjects, Science and Physical Education so as to raise the learning motivation of students and enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching, as well as apply VR technology in S4 Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

- To promote e-learning, our school teaching team also conduct professional sharing in various occasions frequently, namely Professional Development Programmes (PDPs) organised by the Education Bureau (EDB) or on-site Teachers’ Development Days.


Mr. Leung Chun-kit

Tel: 2641 9588

*HKCCC Union Logos Academy

- In the 2012/13 school year, our school enhanced WiFi infrastructure for the use of e-resources in the classroom and to enhance teacher-student interaction.

- In 2014, our school launched the BYOD scheme progressively and formulated the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in our secondary session. In 2016, our school also launched 1:1 computing in P3 and held parent seminars to share how e-learning is applied in the classroom.

- Our school has accumulated much learning and teaching experiences in e-learning in English, Mathematics and Information Technology subjects.


Mr. CHAN Yu-kin, Eric

Tel: 2337 2126

Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School

- Our school utilises wireless network and mobile computer devices to enhance the learning and teaching effectiveness of various subjects, including Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Humanities, Liberal Studies, Geography and Maker Education, etc.

- Our school has established an "e-Leadership and e-Learning Team" to provide administrative support and strengthen the implementation of IT in education in each subject.

- Our school has fully implemented the BYOD scheme. In this school year, our school has adopted e-books and e-resources in Chinese Language, Mathematics, Chinese History, Geography, Putonghua and Computer Studies to support the relevant community of practice by the EDB.

- Our school uses Flipped Classroom in English Language, Liberal Studies, etc. to enhance students’ self-directed learning.

- Our school’s Maker Education has already been integrated in junior secondary curriculum to foster the development of students’ abilities in using IT and computational thinking through cultivating students' "hands-on" abilities and creativity.

- Our school, in collaboration with different universities and partners, conducts various e-learning activities.


Mr. MAN Ho-wai

Tel: 2336 2657

Pak Kau College

- Our school is committed to integrating IT in education in the classroom so as to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching.

- In 2014, our school started to launch the BYOD scheme in S1. In the 2016/17 school year, the scope of the BYOD scheme has been extended to all junior secondary levels.

- Our school’s "IT in Education Teaching Team" was invited by many organisations as guest speakers to promote the application of IT in education and enhance the teachers’ professional capacity.

- As one of the partner schools in the "Enriched IT Class Programme", our school runs enriched IT classes to provide in-depth IT training for students who are interested and talented in IT.


Mr. AU Hoi-kin

Tel: 2448 2960

SKH St Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College

- Since the 2011/12 school year, our school has been selected as one of the IT in Education Centre of Excellence Scheme (CoE) Schools by the EDB.

- Since 2000, our school has developed a school-based administrative and communicative all-in-one portal to manage matters, such as student attendance and Student Learning Profile (SLP) for Other Learning Experience (OLE).

- Our teachers adopt Learning Management System (LMS) in learning and teaching, and use collaboration platform to enhance interactions in the classroom. Besides, our school also nurtures students’ competence in self-learning and self-assessment through developing various mobile computer applications.


Mr. CHEUNG Ka-ki, Daniel

Tel: 2577 5004

True Light Middle School of Hong Kong

- Our school had participated in the "Pilot Scheme on e-Learning in Schools" for three consecutive years in the 2011/12 to 2013/14 school year and implemented e-learning mainly in English language, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Chinese History and Computer Literacy in junior secondary.

- In 2014, the school started to implement the BYOD scheme in S1. Up to this school year, S1 to S6 students and their parents can join the BYOD scheme voluntarily. Around 80% of our students joined the BYOD scheme.

- In 2016, our school established a teacher community called "FlippEducators@HK" to promote the implementation of Flipped Classroom in the education sector. This community aims at assisting students to pre-learn by using videos, collecting students’ pre-learning statistics through online learning platform, promoting the design of interactive activities to raise students’ engagement.


Mr. HA Chi-hung

Tel: 2576 0703

Tsung Tsin College

- e-Learning is one of our school’s major concerns in the 3-year development plan. Our school also formulated "IT in Education Strategy" in all Key Learning Areas.

- To raise students’ learning motivation, our school formed a "Curriculum Reform Committee" to formulate our IT in education policy. In addition, our teachers in "e-Learning Focus Group" are also committed to exploring innovative pedagogies to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching.

- Our school implemented a curriculum reform in the junior ICT, setting objectives for "Education in the 21st Century" to strengthen students’ IT and Information Literacy.

- Our school installed optical fibre network in all classrooms and special rooms with full wireless network coverage in the whole school. All our school teachers are also provided with mobile computer devices as teaching tools.


Mr. KOK Yam-nam

Tel: 2463 7373

Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si College

- Our school has adopted mobile computer devices, LMS, together with school-based curricula, in supporting e-learning activities, including AR, VR, interactive classroom teaching, game-based learning and outdoor investigation, etc., to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching.

- Our school proactively develops IT in education, in particularly with significant development in humanities subjects. Our school enhances students’ learning interest and effectivneess through applying various e-learning platforms and mobile computer applications.

- Since 2015, our school has launched an e-reading scheme to raise students’ interest and abilities in English reading.

- In 2015, our school established an e-learning centre called "Fun Fun Zone". Students can participate in different e-learning activities in this centre, and make use of electronic devices easily for self-directed learning.

- Our school joined the "Enriched IT Class Programme" and launched enriched IT classes to offer training relating to AR, VR and coding for students who are interested and talented in IT.


Ms. CHAN Hiu-mui

Tel: 2682 1315

*This is a "secondary-cum-primary school"