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Support Services Applied via the “Online Application System (OAS) for School-based Support Services (SBSS)”
(Annex A of Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 23/2024)



SBSS provided by EDB Officers

 SBSS provided by EDB Officers

 SBSS provided by Mainland expert teachers

 SBSS funded by Quality Education Fund,provided by tertiary institutes or schools

 SBSS funded by Quality Education Fund,provided by tertiary institutes or schools

General Information and Points to Note for “On-site Support” Mode PDF

General Information and Points to Note for “Learning Communities” Mode PDF

Annexes of EDBCM23/2024 - Details of school-based support services.
The PowerPoint and/or video clips of some support services are in Traditional Chinese only.
Online Application Code

On-site Support(Kindergartens)

Title of Support Service and Respective Curriculum Initiatives

PDF /  / 
                                                                                                                                          SBSS provided by EDB Officers

Cultivating Children’s Positive Values and Attitudes for Nurturing Good Citizens

#Values Education  #National Education  #Chinese Culture


Cultivating Children’s Curiosity and Exploratory Spirit through Life Experiences

#Exploratory Spirit  # Interface between Learning Stages  #Chinese Culture

Top of page                               SBSS funded by Quality Education Fund, provided by tertiary institutes or schools

Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks – Tertiary Institutes: “Play, Learn, Grow” in Hong Kong Kindergartens (On-site Support)

(Centre for University & School Partnership, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

#Chinese Culture  #Values Education  #Learning through Play


*Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks – Tertiary Institutes: Learn and Thrive Together – Supporting Kindergarten Students in Learning Chinese (On-site Support)

(HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education)

#Values Education  #Chinese Language 
#Support for NCS Students


*Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks – Tertiary Institutes: Growth Made Easy: Effective Learning and Teaching of Chinese and Smooth Transition (On-site Support)

(Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)

#Chinese Culture  #Catering for Learning Diversity
#Support for NCS Students

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Annexes of EDBCM23/2024 - Details of school-based support services.
The PowerPoint and/or video clips of some support services are in Traditional Chinese only.

Online Application Code

Learning Communities (Kindergartens)

Title of Support Service and Respective Curriculum Initiatives

PDF /  / 
                                                                                            SBSS provided by EDB Officers

*Support for NCS children

Professional Learning Community for Curriculum Leaders: Using Differentiated Instruction to Cater for Children’s Diversity

#Catering for Children’s Diversity  #Promotion of Reading 
#Curriculum Leadership


Professional Learning Community for Curriculum Leaders: Strengthening the Elements of Free Exploration through Curriculum Planning

#Exploratory Spirit  #Learning through Play # Curriculum Leadership


Professional Learning Community for Curriculum Leaders: Developing Children's Interest in Learning Mathematics and Thinking Ability

#Exploratory Spirit  #Learning through Play #Curriculum Leadership

Top of page                                                                    SBSS provided by Mainland expert teachers

*Mainland–Hong Kong Teachers Exchange and Collaboration Programme:

Professional Learning Community for Curriculum Leaders: Connecting Chinese Culture Elements Naturally with School-based Curriculum

#National Education  #Chinese Culture  #Curriculum Leadership

Top of page                                            SBSS funded by Quality Education Fund, provided by tertiary institutes or schools

Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks – Tertiary Institutes: “Play, Learn, Grow” in Hong Kong Kindergartens (Network Support)

(Centre for University & School Partnership, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

#Chinese Culture  #Values Education  #Learning through Play


*Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks – Tertiary Institutes: Learn and Thrive Together – Supporting Kindergarten Students in Learning Chinese (Network Support)

(HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education)

#Values Education  #Chinese Language #Support for NCS Students


*Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks – Tertiary Institutes: Growth Made Easy: Effective Learning and Teaching of Chinese and Smooth Transition (Network Support)

(Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)

#Chinese Culture  #Catering for Learning Diversity #Support for NCS Students

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