匯編主頁 | 前言 | 資優學生的特質 |
主題分享: | 善用校本學生人才庫:比賽訓練與學校梯隊的建立 |
專題分享: | 按學年分類 | 按學習領域/範疇分類 |
免責聲明 |
– 香港南區官立小學
– 民生書院小學
– 培僑書院
– 循道中學
利用虛擬實境 (VR) 結合適異性教學策略提升資優或能力較高學生的語文能力──以景物描寫教學為例
– 基督教香港信義會元朗信義中學
Developing Students’ Creativity through Riddle Writing in the English Classroom
- CCC Heep Woh Primary School
Enhancing Students’ Creativity and Higher-order Thinking Skills through Scaffolding and Self-directed Learning
- Tai Po Methodist School
Effective Use of Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Nurture Creativity and Empathy
- Lam Tin Methodist Primary School
Incorporating Life-wide Elements in the English Curriculum: Understanding, Exploration and Appreciation
- NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College
Fostering Information Literacy in the English Classroom
- Kau Yan College
Enhancing Students' Persuasive Writing and Critical Thinking Skills through the Use of Diversified Evidence
- Wah Yan College (Kowloon)
- 獻主會溥仁小學
– 彩雲聖若瑟小學
– 明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學
The Implementation of Mathematics in STEAM Education
- Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si College
– 香港南區官立小學
Exploring pH: Engaging and Extending Student Learning through Inquiry-based Activities
- G.T.(Ellen Yeung)College
In this hands-on lesson, students will explore the behavior of natural indicators and learn how they can be used to test the pH of various substances. Using red cabbage and butterfly peas as examples of natural indicators, students will conduct experiments to observe color changes that occur when the indicator is exposed to acidic, basic or neutral substances. Through these experiments, students will develop a deeper understanding of the pH scale and the importance of natural indicators in everyday life. This lesson promotes higher-order thinking skills and encourages students to communicate their findings and conclusions with peers.
Growing Up Gifted: Developing the Potential of All Students by a School-based Talent Development Approach
- Carmel Pak U Secondary School
This lesson is designed to support gifted/ more able students to propose predictions and formulate hypotheses that explain an unexpected result from a classic three candles experiment. The experiment provides counter-intuitive results and allows students to explore the concept of gases and their properties. Using the predict-observe-explain instructional sequence, students first predict which candle would go out first with explanations. They then observe the behaviour of the candles in the covered glass jar and analyse the data to revise their initial explanations to formulate hypotheses that explain the phenomenon. Students design and conduct experiments to test their hypotheses. The lesson aimed to strengthen gifted/ more able students' scientific inquiry skills such as observation, data analysis and hypothesis testing, and to foster their higher-order thinking skills and creativity.
Rethinking the Introduction of Particle Theory for the Learning of Gifted/ More Able Students in Regular Classrooms
- St. Paul's School (Lam Tin)
Students often think that matter is continuous without space between particles. To support deep conceptual development about particle theory, the lesson follows Predict-Explain-Observe-Explain (PEOE) inquiry approach. The teacher introduced a puzzling phenomenon of mixing different liquids (i.e. mass conservation but volume reduction). Students are guided to conduct a scientific investigation and use the analogy of mixing beads to explain the phenomenon. The lesson design helps foster gifted/ more able students’ higher-order thinking skills and creativity.
– 民生書院小學
– 大角嘴天主教小學
– 中華基督教會基智中學
– 孔教學院大成何郭佩珍中學
– 基督教香港信義會深信學校
– 聖公會阮鄭夢芹銀禧小學
– 聖公會白約翰會督中學
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