说明 | 网址 |
Geography in the News | https://www.geographyinthenews.org.uk/ |
Geography 101 – An overview of Geography | https://www.thoughtco.com/what-does-geography-mean-1435595 |
香港地理学会 | http://www.hkga.org/site/ |
National Geographic | https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ |
Royal Geographical Association | https://www.rgs.org/ |
说明 | 网址 |
地理资讯地图 | https://www.map.gov.hk/gm/ |
Google Maps | https://www.google.com/maps/ |
Google Earth | https://www.google.com/earth/ |
说明 | 网址 |
明爱陈震夏郊野学园 – 地理科 | https://www.caritasfsc.edu.hk/tc/ |
Field Studies Council – Geography Fieldwork | https://www.geography-fieldwork.org/ |
可观自然教育中心暨天文馆 – 地理科 | http://www.hokoon.edu.hk/ |
说明 | 网址 |
渠务署 | https://www.dsd.gov.hk/TC/Home/index.html |
香港天文台 | https://www.hko.gov.hk/contentc.htm |
香港斜坡安全 | https://hkss.cedd.gov.hk/hkss/sc/slope-safety-in-hong-kong/index.html |
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) | https://www.ipcc.ch/ |
NASA – Global Climate Change | https://climate.nasa.gov/ |
USGS-Earthquake Hazards Program | https://earthquake.usgs.gov/ |
WWF – Forests | https://wwf.panda.org/our_work/forests/ |
说明 | 网址 |
渔农自然护理署 | https://www.afcd.gov.hk/tc_chi/index.html |
环境保护署 – WEEE Park | https://weee.gov.hk/page.php?id=3&lang=2 |
香港科技园 | https://www.hkstp.org/zh-hk/ |
O Park1 | https://www.opark.gov.hk/tc/ |
源区 | https://www.tpark.hk/tc/ |
The Geography of Transport Systems | https://transportgeography.org/ |
运输署 | https://www.td.gov.hk/tc/home/index.html |
市区重建局 | https://www.ura.org.hk/tc |